Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The simple voting reform that raises turnout wherever it's tried

    Voting is easy when a ballot arrives in your mailbox. Vote-at-home increases turnout in all precincts and elections in which it’s available. It significantly outperforms all combinations of other innovations such as absentee ballots, early in-person voting, same-day registration and election-day registration.

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  • Australia confiscated 650,000 guns. Murders and suicides plummeted.

    After passing the National Firearms Agreement in 1996, Australia saw a striking decline in suicide and homicide raters. The agreement – a result of a mass shooting – included a ban on certain kinds of guns, a mandatory buyback on those guns that had been deemed illegal, as well as amnesty for those who illegally possessed firearms to turn them in. In the years leading up to the agreement, the country witnessed 13 mass shootings; since then, Australia has seen only one.

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  • 100 million Americans have chronic pain. Very few use one of the best tools to treat it.

    Physical methods like surgery and painkillers don’t always work to control pain. In some cases, cognitive behavioral therapy has been shown to help where traditional methods fall short. Pilot initiatives at different university hospitals around the world are challenging the idea that real pain must be physical.

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  • We really do have a solution to the opioid epidemic — and one state is showing it works

    In order to tackle opioid addiction, the state of Virginia found a way to make drug treatment accessible to people with medicaid by boosting “reimbursement rates to addiction treatment providers.” Historically, drug treatment hasn’t been covered by health insurance. Virginia is changing that. Already, “the percent of Medicaid members with an opioid use disorder who received treatment went up by 29 percent from April to December 2017 compared to the same period the previous year.”

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  • France had a big heroin epidemic in the 1980s and '90s. Here's how the country fixed it.

    When France changed their policy in 1995, and allowed primary care doctors to prescribe buprenorphine, an anti-drug medication that reduces cravings for opioids, a drastic change happened. “Within four years, overdose deaths had declined by 79 percent.”

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  • We can draw school zones to make classrooms less segregated. This is how well your district does.

    In many American districts, school segregation has returned to pre- Brown v. Board of Education levels. When determining attendance zones, most boards have gerrymandered districts to reinforce existing residential segregation. Alvin Chang asks, "But what if we used these school attendance zones to send kids to schools that aren't as homogenous as their neighborhoods?" In this story, Chang introduces new data and tells the story of a few places that have tried to defy the dominant trend of using schools as a tool for further segregation even as their actions sometimes lead to "white flight."

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  • The world is poorly designed. But copying nature helps.

    In 1989, when Japan’s bullet train debuted, it reached nearly 170 miles per hour, but was also exceptionally loud as it left any tunnel. To remedy this, engineers and designers turned to nature – mimicking different bird features in their redesign of the train. Known as biomimicry, the practice of looking at nature’s forms, processes, and ecosystems and incorporating them into human-made designs has gained in popularity in the last three decades.

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  • 3 years ago, Stockton, California, was bankrupt. Now it's trying out a basic income.

    The Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration is a new project that hopes to help counteract the loss of jobs and income due to automation and technology. The project will give a random sample of residents money each month ('basic income') and they will track what these individuals spend the extra money on.

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  • We need to change how we bury the dead

    Burying the deceased in a traditional casket has shown to have harmful impacts on the environment. Reforming this process by implementing one of the several green options such as cremation, natural burials, or alkaline hydrolysis can lead to not only better environmental health, but also save resources such as money and space.

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  • Research says there are ways to reduce racial bias. Calling people racist isn't one of them.

    After the 2016 elections, division, issues of bigotry and racism led to prejudice and resentment. Research studies at different universities around the country have shown that by opening dialogue with people across racial, gender, and class lines, tensions defuse. With conversations, people are more likely to have empathy toward people that are different from them.

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