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  • "I voted in South Korea's elections. This is what democracy can look like in a pandemic."

    South Korea held a national election during the Covid-19 pandemic by taking extensive sanitation and health screening measures. In addition to mandatory face protection and social distancing, voters’ temperatures were taken, hands covered in sanitizer, and given new gloves for their sanitized hands. Those with a fever voted in a secluded area and those with mild Covid-19 symptoms could vote by hospitals. Those in quarantine had one hour to vote after everyone else and needed to report to officials when home. It’s impossible to erase all risks, but many voters report the steps taken increased their security.

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  • The big lesson from South Korea's coronavirus response

    Having learned lessons from the 2015 MERS outbreak, South Korea was quick to implement both widespread testing and contact tracing at the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. Although cases were only just beginning to be reported in the country, government officials were already working with bioengineers to create test kits in order to "prepare for the worst."

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  • Sweden's government has tried a risky coronavirus strategy. It could backfire.

    Where government restrictions are lax, residents adopt social distancing measures voluntarily to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. In Sweden, the trust between much of the country’s population and a public health system disinclined to advise for long-term shutdowns at the national level has left residents and businesses to enact social distancing and sheltering measures more gradually. In the long-term, there appears to be a relationship between Sweden’s relatively higher caseload and voluntary containment policies when compared to its neighbors.

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  • 4 lessons the US should learn from Italy's coronavirus mistakes

    Given the failure by both the United States and Italy to contain the coronavirus spread soon enough to forestall more extreme measures, the U.S. in the early weeks of its outbreak had much to learn from Italy's mistakes, and from its eventual successes. Among the most critical mistakes: not taking the spread of the virus seriously enough soon enough, and taking half-steps toward locking down hot spots. Italy's Veneto region modeled good practices, including extensive testing and tracing, keeping all but the most critical cases out of hospitals, and strict monitoring of front-line workers.

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  • People are helping each other fight coronavirus, one Google spreadsheet at a time

    Healthy citizens desperate to find a way to help those at risk of developing severe coronavirus symptoms are creating spreadsheets detailing what services they can offer to their neighbors, whether it's grocery shopping or check-in calls. The mutual aid model is complementing the ongoing work of established nonprofits.

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  • Phone booths, parades, and 10-minute test kits: How countries worldwide are fighting Covid-19

    Countries around the world have used different strategies to try to contain the coronavirus but some tactics are being lauded over others. Singapore, South Korea, and Senegal are a few of the countries that rapidly implemented strategies such as readily available and fast-acting testing as well as temperature check points at airports, schools and restaurants.

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  • You — yes, you — can help AI predict the spread of coronavirus

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently asked Roni Rosenfeld, a professor of computer science who typically uses artificial intelligence to forecast the spread of seasonal influenza, to turn his computing power on the spread of COVID-19. However, Rosenfeld himself was reluctant at first given the lack of data available upon which to base his predictions.

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  • Taiwan has millions of visitors from China and only 45 coronavirus cases. Here's how.

    Situated less than 90 miles from China, the coronavirus outbreak could have been critical in Taiwan, but the country's proactive measures helped to stave off the worst of the disease. Having learned from SARS epidemic, Taiwan had prepared for future situations by creating a comprehensive command center and implementing a transparent communication strategy both of which have helped slow the spread of Covid-19.

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  • In the UK's health system, rationing isn't a dirty word

    The United Kingdom's health-care system – which has been lauded as one of the most equitable models for care – is built around a government agency that decides "which treatments are worth covering, and for whom." Although the measures used to determine these recommendations are controversial and the agency doesn't always sustain public trust in their decisions, the overall outcome has increased both social solidarity and life expectancy.

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  • The answer to America's health care cost problem might be in Maryland

    Maryland's health care system is based on three pillars – all-payer rate setting, a global budget, and total cost of care – that, together, have shown positive results both for the patients and for the state's hospitals. Although evidence of success with regard to health care costs is limited, the model of incentiving investment in community health and preventive care has shown success in reducing readmission rates for hospitals across the state.

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