Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Free Childcare at City Meetings

    In Ithaca, New York, city meetings are now offering free childcare to parents who want to civically engage but are unable to do so because of childcare responsibilities. Recognizing that their meetings skewed older and whiter than their demographic reality, the city instituted the low cost, high reward policy.

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  • Business For Good: iBreastExam

    Accessing preventative health care, such as routine mammograms, is often dictated by socioeconomic levels and geographical boundaries. To change this, an engineer sought out technology and partnerships that eventually lead to the creation of iBreastExam, an affordable and mobile way to conduct a breast exam that is being used in 12 countries and has screened 250,000 women.

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  • Men's Sheds

    Senior centers often offer activities for senior citizens to choose from, but most of the options aren't centered around physical activity or fostering community. Men's Sheds, Australian concept that has recently caught on in the United States, combats this issue by bringing men together to work on projects "shoulder to shoulder, from building furniture to volunteering at community events."

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  • Tech for Turnout

    High tech tools offer low cost ways to reach many voters and mobilize turnout, especially in mid term elections. From applications that allow campaigns to deliver personal text messages to hundreds of people at once, to new digital platforms for online polling and campaign management, many of the successful campaigns launched across the country during and after 2016 have leveraged these tech innovations to engage with voters.

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  • Upcycling Guns

    Giving guns a nonviolent afterlife can also increase economic opportunity for struggling communities. In El Salvador, IM Swedish Development Partner, a nongovernmental organization, is addressing the issue of guns and violence by creating new partnerships and opportunities. Through the Humanium Metal program, confiscated guns are recycled into raw material and then sold to companies that produce finished products like watches, jewelry—and even toys. The funds from the project go back into funding efforts to further reduce violence in El Salvador’s communities.

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  • One Stop Contraception Shop

    Making reproductive health care a part of a woman’s primary care expands opportunities for proactive family planning. Delaware nonprofit, Upstream, partners with health care systems to increase access to information and contraceptive options. Upstream provides training sessions in women’s reproductive health care for people working across the health care system. The nonprofit remains independent by sustaining itself through private donations and grants.

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  • A Ticket to Self-Expression

    As part of efforts to get all students reading at grade level in elementary school, a nonprofit has provided 18 million free print dictionaries to students in the U.S. and around the world, many of whom don't have ready access to computers.

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  • More Young Voters

    Get out the vote groups like Inspire U.S.and Penn Leads the Vote have found that many young people are more engaged than ever before in wanting to vote, but they just need a little nudge in the right direction. From simply answering questions, to apps that make peer to peer vote nudging easier, when universities and other spaces make voting a priority, youth voter turnout grows.

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  • Voter Turnout Contest

    In South Jersey's Cumberland County, election officials played on one of the state's oldest football rivalries to increase voter turnout by launching the Turnout Trophy. The competition put fourteen towns against each other to get the highest percentage of eligible voters to the polls. All towns except for one scored above the national average for voter turnout when the dust of the competition--and election--settled.

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  • The Street Corner Answer

    Access Ventures, a community development organization founded in a Louisville neighborhood, uses a comprehensive investment approach that encourages funds to be dispersed in all issue areas. Instead of creating one "affordable housing fund" or "homeless services fund," the group interweaves investment strategies, making sure to look at the bigger community picture when laying out an investment plan.

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