Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • In Venezuela, a Rum Maker Offers Gangsters a Life Outside of Crime

    Rather than fleeing or fighting the twin threats to its business from criminal gangs and an aggressively anti-business government, the managers of Venezuelan rum-maker Ron Santa Teresa chose to make peace with both through social programs that have calmed what once was one of the violent country's most troubled towns. The company's Proyecto Alcatraz creates economic opportunity for gang members, providing them with job training and psychological counseling. It also courted favor with the socialist government with a housing initiative for the poor. Both programs have proved a boon for business.

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  • Inside United Airlines' Decision to Mandate Coronavirus Vaccines

    The key to United Airlines successful vaccine mandate, even in areas that have low vaccination rates, was gradually phasing in the mandate after a year-long effort laying the groundwork. The airline worked with the union to set up vaccine clinics at its major hubs and offered incentives to employees who got vaccinated. Incentives, like extra pay or vacation days that declined over time until they expired, led the majority of employees to get vaccinated, and the mandate proved to be the final push that was needed.

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  • ‘I Don't Want to Hit My Children. I Don't Want to Hit Anybody.'

    The Respect Phoneline started in the UK in 2004 to give anonymous callers, usually men, a way to seek help for their violent impulses. Rather than putting the burden for resolving domestic violence on survivors and on the punitive tools of the criminal justice system, the hotline approach recognizes that people prone to abusing others are frustrated and unhappy and want to change but need help to figure out how. While the aftermath of anonymous phone counseling can't be tracked, the author observed the process helping many men change their thinking. Similar hotlines have started in multiple places.

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  • ‘Black Capitalism' Promised a Better City for Everyone. What Happened?

    The partnership between Black social activists and corporations in Rochester during the 1960s failed to bring about tangible progress in subsequent decades. Systemic issues of racism and poverty were unaffected by “community capitalism.”

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  • How a Small Town Silenced a Neo-Nazi Hate Campaign

    When a white nationalist leader sparked an antisemitic hate campaign in his vacation community to settle a personal grievance, the community rose up in unison to confront the hate and render it toothless. Everyone from neighbors to the governor joined in the effort to counter disinformation and intimidation with alternative messages that telegraphed communal disapproval. A planned march by neo-Nazis was a flop and the leader of the planned attacks is now shunned. Other communities have contacted the leaders of the counteroffensive to get tips on protecting themselves from similar attacks.

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  • Meet the People Burning California to Save It

    Prescribed burns are an ancient method of preventing more destructive, out-of-control wildfires. They fell into disuse for decades, worsening today's wildfire risks. California and federal forestry officials want to "treat" 1 million acres per year by 2025 with tree- and brush-clearing and prescribed burns. But they are running far behind that pace as government resources get consumed by the need to fight wildfires. Private crews could expand the capacity to conduct prescribed burns, but financial liability and other barriers must be removed first.

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  • What Do Police Know About Teenagers? Not Enough.

    "Policing the teen brain" is a training regimen devised by Strategies for Youth that teaches police officers to de-escalate conflicts with adolescents to avoid unnecessary incarceration. Youth detention has dropped significantly since Tippecanoe County put most of its officers through the training. Police learn how to account for teens' lowered impulse control and undeveloped problem solving skills. The county decided to pay for the expensive training because detention, which hits Black youth hardest, can be even more costly – and leave lasting damage in the lives of young people.

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  • When the Local Paper Shrank, These Journalists Started an Alternative

    As traditional local media outlets shrink or disappear, non-profit digital news outlets are popping up to fill the void. The New Bedford Light is one example, formed by journalism veterans and following the playbook of the Institute for Nonprofit News, the outlet provides in-depth investigative journalism. From holding government officials accountable to profiling the local human impact of COVID, the content provides deep dives into issues that matter to the local community. Content is free to readers and instead of advertising, it relies on donations, grants, and sponsorships from local businesses.

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  • Barred From Her Own Home: How a Tool for Fighting Domestic Abuse Fails

    Stay-away orders are a tool New York judges can use to protect victims from their abusers even before accusations get scrutinized in court. They grew out of a reform movement that urged police and prosecutors to take domestic violence more seriously. But they have become a form of summary justice, routinely issued upon the filing of a complaint without proper vetting. They have wrecked families and cost people their homes and jobs based on what turn out to be flimsy or false accusations. New York courts and legislators are considering proposals to fix the system.

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  • Germany Makes Rapid Virus Tests a Key to Everyday Freedoms

    In Germany, where vaccination rollout has been slow, rapid antigen COVID-19 tests are used to allow people to attend indoor social, business, education, and personal care activities. There are 15,000 pop-up testing sites across the country, many in businesses that had fully or partially shut down due to the virus. People who want to participate in indoor activities like eating inside a restaurant need a negative rapid test that is no more than 24 hours old. The testing centers are funded by the government. While there is no conclusive evidence, experts believe widespread testing is lowering case numbers.

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