Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Who Needs Charters When You Have Public Schools Like These?

    Despite a deplorably small budget and an ominous lack of support from the government, the Union Public Schools district of Tulsa, Ok is achieving the incredible. Though many of the students are minorities and hail from low-income families, Union boasts exceptional graduation rates and a remarkable STEM-focused curriculum. Their success stems from a comprehensive focus on each individual child within the classroom and beyond, creating a hub for the greater community that includes resources like child care for teen mothers and a student-run garden.

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  • At College, a Guided Path on Which to Find Oneself.

    Community College Students, an often overlooked demographic, often suffer from low completion rates. Colleges across the country are using a guided pathways model, emphasizing features like full time enrollment, block scheduling, and meta majors to address specific completion barriers this demographic faces.

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  • Bonds That Combat the Isolation of Military Life

    Frequent deployments and relocations create career hurdles for military spouses and pull families away from their support networks. Blue Star Families, a nonprofit founded in 2009, is working with volunteers in 35 chapters around the world to help military families connect and communicate their experiences to policymakers and the American public. More than half of surveyed families say that they would not recommend military service to their children, a potentially serious issue for the all-volunteer force which recruits heavily from families with histories of service.

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  • In Beijing, Two Wheels Are Only a Smartphone Away

    As Beijing grapples with pollution caused in large part by the increase in cars on the roads, a tech-based solution has appeared in the form of forward-thinking bicycles. The Chinese bike-sharing system, spearheaded by several startups, allows commuters to find a bike using GPS, pay for it using an app, and drop it off upon arriving to their destination, wherever that may be. A mix of private investment and government support has allowed this market to thrive.

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  • When a Few Bucks Can Get a Student to the Finish Line

    At Georgia State University in Atlanta, a couple of hundred dollars can often be the tipping point for whether a student can graduate or not. To address this issue and to further help low income students, the college has implemented a retention grant system, providing these essential funds to get students over the finish line.

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  • How to Fight a Soaring Drug Price: Innovate

    Throughout the country, issues of health care exclusivity and rising drug prices are being addressed with creative solutions. Innovating new medicines and medicine deliver systems, such as an alternative EpiPen, is proving to be a helpful way to work around these surging prices.

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  • Homeless Find a Champion in Canada's Medicine Hat

    The average homeless person costs taxpayers 120,000 Canadian dollars a year, while it takes just 18,000 Canadian dollars to house someone. In Alberta, Canada, the “housing first” strategy gets homeless people into homes regardless of whether they are mentally ill, alcoholic, or even drug abusers. The strategy almost eliminates homelessness.

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  • Building Trust Cuts Violence. Cash Also Helps.

    Richmond, California has one of the nation’s highest gun violence rates, so Operation Peacemaker Fellowship tracks and identifies individuals at risk of committing violent acts or becoming a victim of violence. The Fellowship reaches out to each at-risk person with employment training, mentorship, and sends out teams to de-escalate conflicts within targeted communities. These “change agents” spend time with youth and get to know their families, so they can better understand how to help and offer a cash incentives to the targeted individuals who are part of the program.

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  • Even in Texas, Mass Imprisonment Is Going Out of Style

    In Texas, Mass-Incarceration is becoming a surprising hub of bi-partisan reform. By finding common ground, and brainstorming new solutions and alternatives to mass incarceration, the state has seen a drop in incarceration and crime rates.

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  • Preparing Young Americans for a Complex World

    In a globalized world, increased focus has been put on expanding the frequently under-studied global competency component of American Student's education. By integrating lessons on this type of global thinking and knowledge into common courses, educators across the country are attempting to remedy this lack of global competency.

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