Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Cracking Washington's Gridlock to Save the Planet

    Climate change is a growing issue, but the Citizens' Climate Lobby (a group of volunteers who work to get Republicans and Democrats to work in unison) is aiming to curb carbon emissions. So far the group has had a large increase in number of volunteers and politicians joining and willing to work together.

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  • In Kenya, Phones Replace Bank Tellers

    Building on the widespread use of mobile phones in Kenya, applications have been developed to provide people with financial services. Through these applications people can securely receive money, save money, and make payments increasing their fiscal stability and their ability to access assistance when adverse events happen. The applications also create a record of financial transactions resulting in people being able to establish credit, receive loans, and access pay-as-you-go programs.

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  • Going Digital to Rescue Food

    Forty-percent of America's food is wasted, but more than 10% of American households don't have enough to eat. New algorithms, apps, and partnerships are working to bridge this gap and eliminate food waste.

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  • Sometimes the Birds and the Bees Get Short Shrift in School

    Due to school education pressures and time constraints, sex education is often limited or left out. Some schools have started using the 'Carrera Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program' which combines sex education, mental & physical health care, career training etc. and has shown success in decreasing teenage pregnancy and poor sexual health practices.

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  • Spreading Plan C to End Pregnancy

    Access to safe abortions and pregnancy termination medications has been of intense debate and restriction. This article looks at campaigns to increase access to an under-recognized form of medication that can serve as a "plan-c" for women.

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  • How a Nation Reconciles After Genocide Killed Nearly a Million People

    In an attempt to bring peace to a region post-genocide, Rwanda has implemented "Reconciliation Villages" where survivors and perpetrators live side-by-side. This state-mandated reconciliation has lead to community service events that bring the two populations even closer together as they work to better the community they all live in.

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  • A Focus on Health to Resolve Urban Ills

    Social and economic factors are increasingly being linked to health circumstances and outcomes. This article highlights the city of Richmond, California, which has responded to this correlation, integrating issues of health into all levels of policy.

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  • Filing Taxes in Japan Is a Breeze. Why Not Here?

    Tax Day doesn’t have to be stressful. Governments around the world make paying taxes easy. How? By filling out tax returns for people instead of expecting them to slog through the forms themselves.

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  • Guess Who's For a Carbon Tax Now

    In the face of the global climate crisis, conservative politicians and energy leaders in the US are an unlikely source for climate action. Through the promotion of a carbon tax, in which each ton of emissions gets taxed, these leaders are jumpstarting new forms of climate response. While some are hesitant towards both their support and the logistics of the tax, it may appear the best hope for climate action in the current political climate.

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  • A How-to Book for Wielding Civic Power

    Recognizing a pervasive sense of powerlessness in the US, Eric Liu authored "You’re More Powerful Than You Think: A Citizen’s Guide to Making Change Happen.” By connecting stories of various groups across the political spectrum exercising their civic muscles, he lays out concrete ways that power can be reclaimed by the seemingly powerless citizen.

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