Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Empowering Women to Break the Jihadi Cycle

    In order to counter terrorism and reduce recidivism of incarcerated male jihadists', the Entrepreneurship and Proselytization Empowerment Program helps the wives of jailed extremists through counseling and lessons about entrepreneurship. The program can help these families stay afloat and decrease the appeal of extremism for their husbands upon release.

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  • Addicts Need Help. Jails Could Have the Answer.

    Kentucky is rethinking its penal system for dealing with drug offenders and has shown success in reducing recidivism and relapse rates. Instead of leaving addicts to languish in the typical jailhouse environment of "extortion, violence and tedium," more than two dozen of the state's county jails have created separate units devoted to full-time addiction treatment and support-services for prisoners that involve peer-policing.

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  • The Dutch Have Solutions to Rising Seas. The World Is Watching.

    Rotterdam is increasingly threatened by climate change and the rising water levels that accompany it. Yet instead of building barriers, city officials are choosing to work with the water to help it flow through the city, via the nationwide 'Room for the River' project. This innovation, among others, such as the construction of parking lots that double as emergency reservoirs, embodies Rotterdam’s larger commitment to connect “water management with social welfare and neighborhood improvements.”

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  • Increasing Voter Turnout for 2018 and Beyond

    Voter turnout in the United States is far below that in most democracies. States and cities are trying a variety of ways to increase turnout, with mixed success. Eight states and Washington, D.C., are moving to automatic voter registration, for example, which is commonplace in nearly every other advanced democracy, and 32 states are debating instituting or expanding it. But not all registered voters are actually casting ballots.

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  • Holberton, a Two-Year Tech School, Emphasizes Diversity

    The Holberton School, a San Francisco "start-up" university with a two-year curriculum, aims to provide an affordable and estimable computer science education while removing barriers to knowledge -- age, gender, ethnicity, past professional life -- typically confronted by minority and low-income students across the nation. By "teaching the population frozen out of the internet age" Holberton demonstrates how altered admissions processes and low-cost tuition plans imbue the tech sector's workforce with a more diverse array of qualified candidates.

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  • Selling Doctors on Cutting Drug Costs

    Big pharmaceutical companies spend thousands of dollars every year persuading doctors to prescribe their products to patients. Doctors comply, often not realizing that a generic alternative exists or how much the name brand product is costing insurance companies and patients. The Capital District Physicians' Health Plan recruits big pharma drug representatives and hires them to educate doctors about the tactics used to sell them costly products and offer them the cheaper generic options instead. In the first year, these representatives saved patients 5 million dollars just by switching one drug to generic.

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  • Rwanda's Soccer Sisterhood

    In Rwanda, women are breaking gender stereotypes by playing soccer. After the Rwandan genocide of 1994, Felicite Rwemarika used her own money to fund the organization Women in Sport. Since then, it’s helped women process their trauma, and challenge traditional gender roles in the country.

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  • A Haven From Trauma's Cruel Grip

    Victims of trauma are at risk for substance abuse, depression, or other difficulties. Trauma Recovery Centers are becoming increasingly prevalent for their ability to provide a wide range of services.

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  • Where the Teacher's Pet Sleeps in a Dog Bed

    A handful of schools in New York City are piloting a comfort dog program with the goal of offering emotional support and teaching students about empathy. Recruiting animals from a rescue and adoption agency, teachers and counselors use a curriculum, called Mutt-i-grees, which was written by a Yale researcher for this precise purpose. The pets have become fixtures in the elementary school classrooms, helping to diffuse temper tantrums and instill in kids the importance of responsibility.

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  • Bringing the Dream of an Elite College to Rural Students

    Recent college graduates are working as full-time college counselors in low-income, rural communities across the country. The program, College Advising Corps, aims to provide students with ready access to information about deadlines, school options, and financial aid forms. In one North Caroline school equipped with a young advisor, the college enrollment rate has increased by 10 percent over the course of two years and is projected to continue to rise.

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