Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Rape Victim Advocates Get a Role Alongside the Police

    Partnering police agencies and advocates for survivors of sexual assault in cities like Philadelphia and New York City has helped to solve some of the difficulties investigators have faced in cases of sexual assault while also holding investigators accountable for their attitudes and follow-through. Audits by advocates have "changed rape investigations nationwide" and provide a model for other cities.

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  • Governments Explore Using Blockchains to Improve Service

    Governments around the world are exploring whether blockchain technologies can improve public administration. In theory, blockchain could improve accountability and trust in government. In practice, pilot projects are hitting roadblocks and may take more time to implement and scale than some might hope.

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  • San Francisco Restaurants Can't Afford Waiters. So They're Putting Diners to Work.

    Diners at Souvla, a Greek restaurant in San Francisco, fill their own water glasses and find their own tables. The self-service model is gaining popularity as the city’s restaurateurs feel the pressure of rising rent and labor costs.

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  • Where Danes Butt Heads (Politely) With Their Leaders

    Thousands of Danes attend a political festival called Folkemodet every year to mingle with government ministers and corporate executives and enjoy live music, comedy, and art. The casual atmosphere allows participants to ask tough questions of their leaders in person. Participants say the festival helps them learn more about political issues and inspires them to become more politically active.

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  • When an Iowa Family Doctor Takes On the Opioid Epidemic

    Primary care practioners are prescribing buprenorphine to patients struggling with opioid substance use disorder, providing a support for medication-assisted recovery. Practices use a team-based approach and grant funding to provide this support and overcome the challenges of limited staff capacity and insufficient reimbursement.

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  • Broadcasts in a Native Language, Speaking to Every Corner of Peru

    Luis Soto, is the first indigenous Peruvian to voiceover a soccer game in his native language, Quechua, since 1982. In Peru, indigenous people “make up about a fifth of the nation’s population” and continue to grapple with racism and classism in Peru. Something, Soto believes he is counteracting. “ I do it so people can feel represented.”

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  • Prescribing Opioids: How Many Are Too Many?

    Doctors at Johns Hopkins and Rutgers New Jersey Medical School are striving to establish new guidelines that are specific to surgical procedure and patient circumstance for prescribing opioids. The general consensus is this: every patient's needs must be assessed individually, alternatives to opiates should always be considered first, and no patients with acute pain should ever be sent home with more than a few days' worth of opiates.

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  • A Worldwide Teaching Program to Stop Rape

    A program that trains girls and young women how to defend themselves against rape has proven highly effective in Kenya and is spreading to other countries, including Canada and the U.S. No Means No Worldwide trains girls how to identify risk and escape, and also to stand up for themselves verbally and physically, countering the socialization they get to be accommodating and nice. It also trains boys to respect girls and to intervene when girls or women are in danger and participants were able to stop assaults most of the time.

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  • ICE Came for a Tennessee Town's Immigrants. The Town Fought Back.

    After a raid in a Tennessee plant resulted in 97 immigrants being detained, and 130 American-born children affected, a town came together to help their immigrant neighbors. A church was converted into a crisis response center, professors organized a speaking event at the college, 1,000 attended a prayer vigil, and 300 marched in a protest downtown. “We love Morristown. We are here to send a message of love and unity.”

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  • Fostering Connections Between Young and Old

    Programs that promote interaction between young and old people benefit both groups emotionally. At a retirement community, Collington, music students perform for and interact with the residents in return for free room and board. Pop-up concerts and shared meals form friendships of the sort that research shows can reduce older adults' loneliness and increase their cognitive engagement. Young people gain in empathy, while both groups can make each other feel more needed. Programs responding to social isolation also bring children as young as infants into senior housing.

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