Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • It Takes Consultation to Help a Village

    To succeed at international development, consult the locals. It seems obvious, but too many failed development projects show community buy-in is not the biggest priority. Two groups are leading the way to change this. Village X and Spark MicroGrants rely on locals’ opinions to direct projects that are actually needed and desired, creating better long-term outcomes for the communities in which they operate.

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  • A Library Card Will Get You Into the Guggenheim (and 32 Other Places)

    Through their library card, New York City residents can now receive free admission to over thirty prominent cultural institutions. The goal of this new program, named Culture Pass, is to designed to provide underserved populations with opportunities to utilize cultural offerings.

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  • Now in Sight: Success Against an Infection That Blinds

    To combat trachoma in Nepal, the W.H.O. has partnered with pharmaceutical companies to provide access to services. In addition to drug donations and affordable services, W.H.O. is building trust by empowering local healers with education that lets them make referrals and providing incentives for latrine use in rural villages.

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  • How New Orleans Is Helping Its Students Succeed

    Calling New Orleans' post-Katrina school reform "the most ambitious education overhaul in modern America," journalist David Leonhardt outlines what he sees as the two main pillars holding up New Orleans' success -- autonomy and accountability. Leonhardt writes, "New Orleans is a great case study partly because it avoids many of the ambiguities of other education reform efforts. The charters here educate almost all public-school students, so they can’t cherry pick." Can other districts, who aren't starting from scratch, learn from the city's remarkable progress?

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  • Now Even Apartment Dwellers Can Use Solar Power

    New York opens up solar energy options to apartment owners who may not be able to install solar panels through community solar groups. These groups give apartment owners access to augmenting their energy supply with renewable energy gleaned from other parts of the city—with savings for the apartment dweller and a profit for the solar collector.

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  • Trying to Cut Crime in Public Housing by Making It More Livable

    To make neighborhoods safer, New York City is attempting to strengthen "collective efficacy." Research shows that an engaged community, where residents feel they can trust each other and the government, can help lower crime; improving buildings, offering summer jobs, opening a community center, and providing more services are just some of the actions taker to create safer communities - and it's working.

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  • A Restaurant Takes On the Opioid Crisis, One Worker at a Time

    DV8 Kitchen is a restaurant in Lexington, Kentucky that employs people recovering from opioid addiction with the hopes that providing jobs and connecting them to treatment centers will combat their addiction. The owners, a couple that owns several other restaurants in the city, maintain high standards for employees, and this is reflected in the impeccable service and the high quality of the food. So far DV8 Kitchen has hired 25 individuals recovering from addiction, helping them lead better lives.

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  • Getting Student Power Into the Voting Booth

    The ALL IN challenge implores leaders at colleges across the United States to better incorporate civic engagement education into curriculum and use non-partisan tactics to encourage students to register to vote. The recent push is in part a response to the discouraging results published by Tufts University in 2014 - during that year's midterm election, only 12 percent of college students voted, and for the 2016 presidential election, less than half cast their vote.

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  • With a Sniff and a Signal, These Dogs Hunt Down Threats to Bees

    Pollinators such as honeybees are critical to the ecosystem and to agriculture - responsible for pollinating about 1/3 of the nation's food crops - but they are endangered due to factors such as habitat loss and fungus that spreads more rapidly in warming temperatures. A program in Maryland is training adopted dogs to more efficiently sniff out harmful bacteria in bee hives and help preserve their populations.

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  • 1 Neighborhood. 24 Kindergarten Classes. 40 Languages. (Some Miming Helps.)

    At Toronto's Fraser Mustard Early Learning Academy, the immigrant-heavy kindergarten class enters speaking over 40 different languages. Most students are from low-income backgrounds, with many needing individualized special education. Through miming, pictures, and a longer school day, Mustard Academy works to reach and prepare all kindergarten-age children before they begin elementary classes.

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