Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Interventions to Prevent Psychosis

    The Portland Identification and Early Referral (PIER) program serves to train health officials how to identify early signs of mental illness in young adults, and it's working. The program, which saw a "35 percent decline in new hospital admissions for psychotic symptoms" is now being implemented throughout the country and the principles are being taught to families, friends, physicians and college personnel.

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  • In South Africa, a Call to Punish Rapists

    In Diepsloot, South Africa, a small office called Lawyers Against Abuse offers legal support for sexual assault cases in a violent city that traditionally does little to address the issue. The organization offers lawyers, victim advocates, legal counseling, and therapy as they go through the process. Since 2015, they have helped more than 800 women and secured 28 convictions.

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  • ‘If You're Like Me, You Can't Sit By. This Is America.'

    Connecting children with volunteer lawyers can greatly assist immigration cases. Nonprofits like the Safe Passage Project and Kids in Need of Defense (KIND) work to provide children, often separated from their families, with legal defense. Without a lawyer, many children face immigration hearings alone, adding great trauma to a complicated process. A majority of unrepresented children are deported. Nonprofit legal groups across the US are working to create a safety net of legal counsel.

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  • Push for Ethnic Studies in Schools Faces a Dilemma: Whose Stories to Tell

    California is one of three states developing ethnic studies curricula for K-12 students. In the process, the state is grappling with which questions about groups and histories should be represented and whether teachers, many of whom are white, are prepared to teach these topics.

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  • Scientists Discover New Cure for the Deadliest Strain of Tuberculosis

    Drug-resistant cases of tuberculosis have been known to be impossible to cure, but a new drug trial in South Africa has changed the outcome for many suffering from this diagnosis. Although the trial that implements a three-drug regimen over the course of several months is still fairly new to the market, it has already gained approval by the Food and Drug Administration.

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  • ‘It's Like an Automatic Deportation if You Don't Have a Lawyer'

    With the help of legal counsel, immigrants facing deportation are more likely to win their cases and keep their families together. The New York Immigrant Family Unity Project is one of several organizations in New York that provides lawyers free of charge to detained immigrants. The program is also a part of the broader Safety and Fairness for Everyone (SAFE) network, which includes 18 cities that have set up legal defense funds for immigrants.

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  • How a State Plans to Turn Coal Country Into Coding Country

    Since Wyoming passed legislation in 2018 requiring all grade levels to teach computer science curriculum by 2022, teachers have spent significant time outside of work getting themselves up to speed. The idea is that these coding skills will transition the state's economy away from the coal industry and keep young people in the state. However, some critics note that there are few success stories of technology clusters in remote areas.

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  • When a Restraining Order Fails, a GPS Tracker Can Save Lives

    Using GPS tracking on repeat offenders of domestic violence has shown to decrease repeat instances of such abuse. Of the 23 states that use such devices, those that use them in ankle bracelet form have the ability to not only monitor locations, but alert officials and victims when the offender leaves the designated boundaries. While the system has shown demonstrative success, some people voice opposition to such technology, citing privacy concerns.

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  • Less Trash, More Schools — One Plastic Brick at a Time

    The recycling economy is helping Ivory Coast overcome a building shortage and create jobs. The Fighting Women, a community organization in Abidjan, collect plastic waste to resell to manufacturers. In partnership with UNICEF, the Columbian company, Conceptos Plásticos purchases plastic waste from the Women and recycles it into bricks, which are used to construct classrooms.

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  • Doctors in Debt: These Physicians Gladly Struck a Deal With California

    California is offering up to $300,000 of debt relief to doctors who accept Medi-Cal, the state’s version of Medicaid, in an attempt to incentivize physicians to move to the state and serve low-income communities. The program is funded through revenue from the state's tax on tobacco products and has helped 247 physicians and 4o dentists so far.

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