Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Getting a Handle on Self-Harm

    Self-injury tactics have been increasing among adolescents, but psychologists are finding success with implementing specialized forms of therapy. Typically used with those diagnosed with a personality disorder, a specialized talk therapy known as dialectical behavior therapy works to teach "mindfulness techniques and opposite action, in which patients act opposite to the way they feel in order to alter the underlying distress."

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  • Shifting the Focus of Breast Cancer to Prevention

    Societal and environmental changes over the years have impacted the likelihood of women being diagnosed with breast cancer, but preventative measures may help mitigate that. From risk-reducing medications for those who are at higher-risk due to family history to a focus on prioritizing exercise, there are a number of measures that are showing promise at reducing the diagnosis.

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  • A Retirement Community That Comes to You

    Continuing care at-home programs are filling a gap for senior citizens that do not require around-the-clock care, but need someone to check in on their health on a regular basis. Using “care navigators,” to monitor the health of those in the program, this option of long-term care allows people to remain in their homes longer, and are also often a more affordable option.

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  • The Real Cost of Diversifying College Rosters

    The rosters of sports teams at small liberal arts schools are often predominantly white and wealthy. Amherst College in Massachusetts has made a concerted effort to stop recruiting from the same "pay to play" pool and reach more student-athletes of color and student-athletes from different socio-economic backgrounds.

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  • On One Issue, Americans Are United. Too Many Are Behind Bars. Audio icon

    In such a divided country, many groups from lawmakers to advocacy groups are finding rare bipartisan cooperation around the issue of criminal justice reform. Two congressional representatives, one Republican and one Democrat, have found common ground, as well as the Justice Action Network, which forms bipartisan coalitions, one of which was instrumental in passing the First Step Act.

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  • Displaying, not Hiding, the Reality of Slave Labor in Art

    Coming to terms with the past requires reexamining the way we represent both history and art. The Chrysler Museum in Norfolk, VA, is on the forefront of correcting the absence of enslaved craftsmen in representations of art. The museum’s exhibit on the architectural work at Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello home presents a fuller story by illuminating the presence and work of enslaved laborers.

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  • To Treat Chronic Ailments, Fix Diet First

    California's version of Medicaid, called Medi-Cal, has launched a pilot that provides strict nutrition guidelines for individuals with a chronic illness, as a way to help keep them from having to visit the hospital. For many patients, a change in diet can help with inflammation and reduce painful or uncomfortable symptoms of their diseases. A study of the pilot program showed drastic decreases in medical costs for these patients, as well as in inpatient and emergency room visits.

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  • Building for Real With Digital Blocks

    To get input on city design plans from citizens without any technical knowledge, some city planners are turning to Minecraft, an easy-to-use computer game that allows users to build in a three dimensional environment. Useful for planning public spaces (rather than designing a building), Minecraft has been adopted by UN Habitat to plan everything from soccer fields in Nairobi to a riverbank in Kosovo.

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  • Fed Up With Deaths, Native Americans Want to Run Their Own Health Care

    Across the United States, health care is failing a number of Native Americans, so some tribes are taking matters into their own hands. The most successful example, which others are hoping to model, is that of the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium which has relied on partnerships and grant revenue to survive.

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  • For Some Colleges, the Best Move Is to Merge

    Over 100 American colleges have merged since 2000. As more colleges look to this method to weather financial strains resulting from declining enrollments, some have navigated the transition better than others and offer lessons about bringing together two distinct faculties and cultures.

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