Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Art Galleries Respond to Virus Outbreak With Online Viewing Rooms

    Art galleries are pivoting their sales to online platforms due to closures from the coronavirus pandemic. In the past, similar versions of virtual viewing rooms have resulted in significant sales for some galleries, despite the limitations of not viewing the artwork in person. While this transition is made harder for smaller galleries because of the cost of implementation, some are experimenting with smaller-scale virtual performances or online stores.

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  • They've Contained the Coronavirus. Here's How.

    Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong have each shown success with slowing the pace of the coronavirus outbreak due in part from learning lessons during the 2002 SARS outbreak. Combining different approaches to social distancing and quarantine, travel restrictions, and public health campaigns focused on hygiene best practices, the countries have shown that it doesn't necessarily take "China’s draconian measures" to mitigate the spread.

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  • Coronavirus Testing Goes Mobile in Seattle

    In early January, doctors at UW Medical Center began preparing for a coronavirus outbreak by transforming a research lab into a screening center for coronavirus that delivers results within a day. Now, coupled with a mobile clinic that allows for people to be tested from within the confines of their cars, the city has been able to test a large volume of people more safely than if they were being tested from within a hospital.

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  • Confronting a Pandemic

    The United States and Italy have been playing catch up in the mitigation of the coronavirus pandemic and were resistant to implementing social distancing, while other countries took more aggressive approaches. Now both countries are looking to China and South Korea to learn how sweeping actions and industrialized scaling of measures such as fever clinics, temperature check points, portable CAT scanning, and social isolation, have helped to contain the pandemic.

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  • Tom Hanks Got Sick in Australia, Where Coronavirus Testing Isn't Such a Hassle

    As the United States struggles to test all citizens exhibiting symptoms of coronavirus, Australia and Canada are offering lessons about best practices for preparing for a pandemic. Having learned from previous outbreaks, these countries implemented protocols such as a national hotline, easy-access to information about testing sites, and "an agency to coordinate and help finance testing and treatment during any kind of viral or disease outbreak" – all of which help make testing more efficient.

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  • When a Haircut Is More Than Just a Haircut

    Barbershops are a key part of Black Americans' culture, but the culture within those barbershops tend to be homophobic and alienating to LGTBQ individuals. To address this, a number of barbershops are catering specifically to the LGBTQ community by offering a safe and open space to get a haircut. They are able to cultivate this community through social media by using strategic tags, influencers, platforms, and outreach. A client describes the relief of having an accepting barbershop: "You just don't know how comforting it is walking into a place where you know you’re safe.”

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  • A Second Life for Flowers

    Horticultural therapy – a mix of art therapy, wellness activity, and a way to reuse viable flowers – is gaining popularity amongst hospitals and nursing homes due to its nature-centric therapeutic benefits. Although medical research is limited, some studies have shown that it can have a positive impact on one's mood and participants have expressed sentiments such as, "It relaxes me. Just holding the flowers takes me away from my situation."

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  • What Would a World Without Prisons Look Like?

    Deanna Van Buren and her nonprofit firm Designing Justice/Designing Spaces use architecture to advance social justice and criminal-justice-reform ideas, designing workplaces, meeting places, and homes nationwide founded on the notion of "what a world without prisons could look like." The firm's projects, often planned with input from the people directly affected, have included privacy-enhancing temporary living units for people recently released from prison, a "peacemaking" space in Syracuse, N.Y., and two of the first restorative-justice meeting places for crime victims and those who harmed them.

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  • Paid to Stay Home: Europe's Safety Net Could Ease Toll of Coronavirus

    Europe's generous social policies, such as allowing employees to retain their salaries while taking sick time to care for themselves or family members, may help to mitigate the coronavirus outbreak while also safeguarding the economy. Although the long-term impacts are yet unknown, in the short term, government-provided incentives are helping people and businesses stay afloat.

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  • Down on the Farm That Harvests Metal From Plants

    A group of scientists in Borneo have proven that plants can supply small levels of the minerals needed to sustain industrial products such as stainless steel. Specifically, a group of plants that thrive in metallic soil can produce nickel. While a small-scale trial has been successful, scientists are in the early stages of proving this can be scaled up - to reduce fossil fuels, support the land, and make metal a product that can be farmed sustainably.

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