Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Complicated Calculus of Helping Neighbors During a Pandemic

    As social distancing and isolation become increasingly important in stopping the spread of the coronavirus, volunteers and neighborhood groups are helping seniors and Immunocompromised people access necessessities. In New York, volunteering to help neighbors in times of crisis is not new – many local community groups emerged after Hurricane Sandy – but recent health restrictions have created cause for new protocols such as contactless support.

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  • Coronavirus Has Hospitals in Desperate Need of Equipment. These Innovators Are Racing to Help.

    As personal protective equipment becomes increasingly hard to find, university labs, engineers, and individuals are taking part in a crowdsourced effort to create alternatives. Although their 3D designs and repurposed shields don't take the place of PPE, they do act as safe back-ups for frontline workers facing a shortage.

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  • Medical Students, Sidelined for Now, Find New Ways to Fight Coronavirus

    Medical students have found creative ways to pitch in during the Coronavirus pandemic when they are not yet certified to work with patients. Students across the country are organizing to help out by doing things like offering childcare for medical workers and sourcing personal protective equipment from a range of businesses. The students themselves say that they are happy to do "anything we can do to relieve burden on the real heroes.”

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  • How South Korea Flattened the Curve

    China and South Korea were the first two countries to emerge as possible models for how to contain coronavirus. While critics have called China's tactics Draconian, they are praising South Korea for implementing "swift action, widespread testing, and contact tracing," and including their citizens in their approach.

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  • When Coronavirus Closes Your Lab, Can Science Go On?

    For many jobs across the country, working from home is a fairly easy adaptation to cope with social distancing measures. But for many scientists who work in laboratories with ongoing research, a work from home solution does not quite fit. Labs and universities are finding ways to adapt and prioritize which experiments to put on hold.

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  • The Virus Can Be Stopped, but Only With Harsh Steps, Experts Say

    Countries that have more recently fought against communicable and infectious disease outbreaks, such as China, are offering lessons about potential ways to slow the spread of COVID-19. Stricter and more efficient guidance around testing protocols, retrofitting hospitals to triage potential virus carriers, and training volunteers to do "ground-level but crucial medical tasks," are all practices that have shown to have helped slow the spread in countries outside of the U.S.

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  • Italy, Pandemic's New Epicenter, Has Lessons for the World

    In learning what could best work to contain the coronavirus, Italy is offering lessons to other countries in what has failed to work there. Dubbed the new "epicenter of a shifting pandemic" after reporting the highest death count, countries are learning that rapid and early intervention that is communicated clearly is a key component to slowing the spread.

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  • As Coronavirus Looms, Mask Shortage Gives Rise to Promising Approach

    As hospitals are forced to reuse protective masks during the coronavirus pandemic, researchers at the University of Nebraska are finding ways to decontaminate the masks, including with ultraviolet light.

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  • Can't Get Tested? Maybe You're in the Wrong Country

    The coronavirus pandemic has been contained in varying degrees depending on the country, but early data is showing that the countries which decentralized their approach to testing manufacturing have faired better at mitigation. Unlike the U.S. and U.K which were both hesitant to implement proactive measures and chose a centralized approach to testing, Australia, Korea, and Singapore "turned to networks of public and private laboratories to develop tests," which helped more people get tested as a faster pace.

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  • Tracking the Coronavirus: How Crowded Asian Cities Tackled an Epidemic

    Singapore among several other countries have been able to contain coronavirus by working to stay ahead of the spread, rather than confront the spread as it happens. Using strategies – some partially built after learning from failure during the SARS outbreak – such as rigorous contact tracing to determine who may have come into contact with an infected individual, these countries have shown, "early intervention is key."

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