Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Welcome Back to Germany. Now Take Your Free Virus Test.

    Since the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, Germany emerged as "one of the highest testers per capita in the world," due to decentralizing the creation and distribution of testing kits, requiring that tests be fully covered by insurance, and prioritizing the processing of coronavirus tests above all other lab work. Combined with other efforts – such as mandatory quarantine protocols, contact tracing, and new testing stations for travelers – the country has been able to better prepare for a second wave of cases while also recording fewer deaths than other countries.

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  • When Covid Subsided, Israel Reopened Its Schools. It Didn't Go Well.

    When schools in Israel reopened in May—believing its coronavirus cases were under control—infections quickly rose, and the country experienced an immediate second outbreak. The country has now become an example for others of lessons to learn like: placing emphasis on contact tracing, maintaining students in small groups if in-person instruction is happening, staggering schedules, and maintaining a safe social distance.

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  • Using Telemedicine to Treat Opioid Addiction

    The coronavirus pandemic has largely led to the expansion and adoption of telemedicine, which has helped those seeking treatment for addictions more easily access care. Although advocates of medication-assisted treatment have been working to eliminate barriers to virtual care for years, the pandemic has accelerated these efforts and the outcome has been successful. According to the associate executive director of Prevention Point Philadelphia, “It’s a reduction of the hassle, wait times, anxiety and fear of withdrawal in a waiting room."

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  • Why the Botched N.Y.C. Primary Has Become the November Nightmare

    New York City received ten-times the average number of mail-in ballots in the June 2020 primary, which caused problems and highlighted changes needed in the general election. The postal service had to hand sort the pre-paid envelopes to postmark them because pre-paid postage doesn’t normally get post-marked. Some envelopes were missed and those ballots were rejected. There were also delays tallying the votes, with some contests remaining undecided for weeks after the election. Ballots were also rejected due to minor errors. Better voter education and increased city and postal service staff is needed.

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  • How Italy Turned Around Its Coronavirus Calamity

    Italy, once a major hotspot for Covid-19 cases, has seen a significant decrease in the spread of the coronavirus after implementing strict government regulations including mandatory travel restrictions and isolation protocols. The success of the measures has been evident as the country begins to reopen – lifting restrictions in two-week increments to account for the "virus’s incubation period" – with no sign of the virus still spreading and hospitals remaining largely empty of critical cases.

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  • How 2 New York Schools Became Models for Coping in a Pandemic

    Mott Haven and Broome Street Academy serve students in the child welfare system and at-risk students. Before the pandemic, they were already preparing for crisis intervention. The two have provided students with services that fall outside of the educational spectrum, things like cash grants and weekly counseling. By doing so, they hope students can focus on classes. Now, they might be a model for other schools around the country.

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  • How This N.Y. Island Went From Tourist Hot Spot to Emergency Garden Audio icon

    For environmental organization GrowNYC, their one-acre teaching farm on Governor’s Island became a victory garden for New Yorkers who aren’t having their basic needs met during the COVID-19 pandemic. While future land development on the island could impact their work, the farm is on track to produce about 20,000 pounds of food that is distributed by other groups like the Black Feminist Project as free or low-cost coronavirus relief food boxes.

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  • Going ‘Deep Green,' Office Buildings Give Back to the Planet

    More and more commercial real estate projects are popping up around the United States that are focused on “deep green” building. This movement suggests that it’s not enough to just make a building out of renewable materials, but they can also be self-sustaining. For example, the Watershed, an office building in Seattle, has a slanted roof that collects rainwater that is then used in toilets. These types of projects can be more complicated and expensive to build, but developers can save money in the long run with the improvements.

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  • Could This City Hold the Key to the Future of Policing in America?

    Although driven by financial desperation and a desire to break a union, Camden, New Jersey’s decision to dismantle its police department and form a new one focused more on limiting its use of force has paid off in better community relations and arguably a role in reducing the city’s violence. Its approach is in high demand by other cities facing the same problems Camden confronted. At the same time, the reconstituted police force is faulted by critics for relying on intrusive surveillance and making racially disparate arrests for minor offenses.

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  • ‘When Someone Hires Me, They Get the Boss Herself'

    A new model for cooperatives guarantees a living wage for house cleaners, removing the uncertainty and exploitation typically associated with the gig economy. Up & Go is an app that brings entrepreneurs together as owners of the cooperative - sharing offices and customer service representatives. Wages for their work have almost doubled in comparison to the jobs they found through fliers. Training has also given workers the knowledge to stay safe in addition to keeping their clients from exposure during the pandemic.

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