Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Teachers on TV? Schools Try Creative Strategy to Narrow Digital Divide

    “Let’s Learn NYC!” Is the New York City Public School System's answer to teaching students via television. The program is one of many around the country, which began at a FOX station in Houston. Through the program, students are able to watch science, math, and even dance lessons. The program has been scaled and adapted to a variety of large cities like San Francisco, Houston, Chicago, and others.

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  • Jobs, Houses and Cows: China's Costly Drive to Erase Extreme Poverty

    The Chinese government is providing money, livestock, and better homes to successfully help break the cycle of poverty. $700 billion in loans and grants have gone toward the rural poverty alleviation program in addition to investments in infrastructure and job creation. The program is intended for those experiencing extreme poverty in the countryside. Critics predict that the program is unsustainably expensive but the short-term results are promising.

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  • New York's Real Climate Challenge: Fixing Its Aging Buildings

    A housing project in Brooklyn is taking nine apartment buildings and retrofitting them to be more sustainable and cut carbon emissions. Casa Pasiva is a $20 million project that aims to reduce heating and cooling costs because of updated machinery and thick exteriors that will improve air quality. Funding for these types of initiatives is not always certain, but a collaboration between a developer and a nonprofit, with some city financing, made this first-of-a-kind green building renovation in New York possible.

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  • How New York City Vaccinated 6 Million People in Less Than a Month

    When a smallpox outbreak was deemed to be a likelihood in New York City in 1947, the city’s health commissioner rapidly launched a vaccination campaign that leveraged internal collaboration, consistent and transparent communication, and contact tracing. The effort culminated in more than six million people receiving vaccination in under a month, and only 12 infections and two deaths total. While this "public health triumph" hold lessons for the current COVID-19 pandemic, experts caution, “It’s almost inconceivable that we’re going to be able to do something similar as rapidly and as effectively.”

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  • These Buses Bring School to Students

    In Jackson, Michigan, 1 in 5 children have access to wifi through school buses. Out of the roughly 5,000 children, 70 percent qualify for free and reduced lunch. The buses guarantee they have reliable access to the internet during a pandemic. The buses park outside apartment complexes, a homeless shelter, and the rec center from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. It’s just one way the school district is adapting to student needs during a health pandemic.

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  • As Pandemic Threatens Britain's Mental Health, These ‘Fishermen' Fight Back

    The Bearded Fisherman, a mental health charity formed by two men with their own past struggles with mental illness and homelessness, runs a weekly, virtual community support group, takes crisis-intervention calls, and runs the Night Watch suicide-prevention patrol to help people find ways to survive and cope with pandemic-driven unemployment and isolation. In addition to intervening in the moment to prevent a suicide, and providing informal counseling, the group refers people to counseling as England endures Europe's highest COVID-19 death toll and a deep recession.

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  • Police Drones Are Starting to Think for Themselves

    The first Drone as First Responder program in the U.S. expands the use of drone aircraft by the police, sending the aircraft on emergency calls without direct oversight by a human pilot. Using technology similar to self-driving cars, the drones deploy long-distance cameras and other sensors to observe things more quickly, safely, or efficiently than through traditional means. As more police departments adopt the equipment and tactic, privacy advocates warn of surveillance excesses that could harm over-policed populations.

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  • AA to Zoom, substance abuse treatment goes online amid pandemic

    Support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous are turning to Zoom and other telehealth tools to maintain a connection with clients during the coronavirus pandemic. While data are lacking about "the effectiveness of online rehabilitation compared to in-person sessions," many participants have expressed the digital tools to be crucial to their health while the pandemic has closed in-person options, and health professionals expect these tools to extend well-beyond the timeline of the pandemic.

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  • Can an Algorithm Prevent Suicide?

    Veterans Affairs' Reach Vet program uses an algorithm weighing 61 factors to flag veterans deemed at highest risk of suicide. While its results have not been shown to affect the suicide rate, it has more than doubled high-risk veterans' uses of V.A. services and been associated with a lower overall mortality rate. Built on an analysis of thousands of previous suicides in the V.A.'s system, Reach Vet assesses scores of facts from medical records, including some that are not obvious to humans trying to spot problems. Doctors then intervene and ensure the veteran has a suicide safety plan in place.

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  • How College Students Are Helping Each Other Survive

    Students across the country are dealing with food and housing insecurity, and financial loss, conditions that have been exacerbated because since the pandemic. In response, students in some colleges and universities created mutual-aid networks, raising and distribution thousands of dollars to their peers. “Students continue to lead the fight to address their basic needs.”

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