Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The low-cost device saving newborns in India

    A neonatal hospital in Indore, India has been using a device called a MiraCradle that is showing success in treating birth asphyxia. This low-cost solution is helping to address a significant problem of neonatal deaths in the country and is also now being used in South Africa.

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  • Mexico launches pioneering scheme to insure its coral reef

    Climate change is a mounting threat to coral reefs, which serve not just as critical habitats for ocean life and a draw for the tourism industry, but also as a buffer to the increasing storms caused by changing weather patterns. In the first scheme of its kind, private businesses, nonprofits, and the government in Mexico's Yucatán Penninsula are combining financial resources to take out an insurance policy on their coral reefs. The insurance will help rebuild the reefs after storms and man-made damage, and fund new ways to keep them healthy.

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  • The slow lane: Dutch app allows elderly to 'hack' traffic lights

    In the Netherlands, city councils are piloting remarkable new technology to make roads safer and friendlier for cyclists and pedestrians through the use of apps that improve the efficiency and sensitivity of traffic lights to the elderly, disabled, and young children. Improved traffic flow is a key part of the way forward into a greener, safer urban future.

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  • A garden bridge that works: how Seoul succeeded where London failed

    Seoul’s new Skygarden has succeeded in transforming an old highway into an urban garden meant to connect different parts of the city. It is one aspect of a broader urban revitalization plan that includes the appointment of a city architect, emphasis on more pedestrian-friendly areas, and renovation of a business center. Cities like London, which has failed in building a garden on a bridge, can look to Seoul’s success for future urban development efforts.

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  • Employers Add ‘a Cheap Place to Live' to List of Staff Perks

    For publishing companies located in major metropolises, housing costs can present a significant challenge to successfully recruiting and retaining staff. To address this issue, the Hachette and Penguin Random House publishing groups have created initiatives to provide interns with subsidized housing. Working with the Book Trade Charity—which has traditionally provided subsidized housing for retirees from the publishing industry—these publishing groups have invested in the refurbishment of apartments and are offering them at below market rate to applicants selected for internship programs.

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  • How do you solve half a century of bloodshed in Colombia?

    Local civil society groups are at the forefront of rebuilding Colombia. With decades of armed conflict officially ended, efforts to support a lasting peace focus on inequality and land issues and work to advance sustainable rural development.

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  • The Republicans who care about climate change: 'They are done with the denial'

    The Climate Solutions Caucus is made up of half Democrats and half Republicans, by design. Drawing strength from a growing wave of Republican support for climate action, the bipartisan congressional group is an attempt to depoliticize environmental policymaking in the United States.

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  • What can the UK learn from Finland's approach to mental health?

    Finland’s Mental Health Hub is an online resource that provides tools to manage stress, depression, and substance dependency as well as therapy with a diagnosis. The resource has helped treat low acuity mental health issues by providing greater access without an increase in cost.

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  • Is Vancouver lonelier than most cities or just better about addressing it?

    Vancouver has gained a reputation as one of the loneliest cities in the world. In a survey of residents conducted by the Vancouver Foundation, 1 in 3 respondents said that "they found it hard to make friends in the city." To foster community, the city created a task force to tackle this feeling of isolation, aided by the efforts of community-owned projects.

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  • Renewables roadshow: how the 'nonna effect' got Darebin's pensioners signing up to solar

    Although solar installations have been on the rise, it's often those that could most benefit from this renewable energy source that can't access it. The Darebin City Council in Australia recognized this challenge faced by very low-income households, and began what is now known as the Solar Saver program. Although it initially began as a way to help these families cut electricity costs, it is now focused on making solar more accessible by providing no cost installations and a 10-year payment plan that ultimately helps the families cut costs.

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