Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Stockholm became the city of work-life balance

    Stockholm, Sweden is known as the best city in the world for work-life balance, as it boasts flexible work hours and nearly two years' parental leave per child for each parent. While raising a child with a full-time career still poses challenges, the norm for businesses in Stockholm is to cater to working parents' busy schedules in order to support equal childcare between mothers and fathers.

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  • Could you give up flying? Meet the no-plane pioneers

    There’s a new environmental movement: the no-fly movement. In Europe especially, people are realizing the detrimental environmental impact of flying and are seeking alternatives to air travel, even if it means being creative with time and money. It’s not for everyone - but for this movement, days of train travel trump the emissions created from a long flight.

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  • From bleak to bustling: how one French town solved its high street crisis

    Mulhouse, a small city in France, brushed off its negative reputation and used community networking, clever financing, and urban renewal as tools to become a bustling center once again. The town relied on many community associations and local voices to grow their economy; now, the city has more shops opening than closing.

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  • City with a female face: how modern Vienna was shaped by women

    Vienna, Austria uses a tactic called "gender mainstreaming" to ensure that urban planning equally takes into account lives of women and men around the city. While architecture and urban planning have traditionally been male-dominated industries, Vienna actively incorporates alternative opinions and lifestyles into their city infrastructure. The Austrian capital has been pioneering ‘gender mainstreaming’ for nearly 30 years. How did the city come to be so far ahead – and could its gains be lost?

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  • Leeds becomes first UK city to lower its childhood obesity rate

    Increasing the confidence of parents in directing their children toward healthy choices is crucial in the battle against childhood obesity. In Leeds, England, the HENRY (Health, Exercise, and Nutrition for the Really Young) program introduces families to healthier forms of parenting, including methods that blend authoritative and permissive approaches to decision making between parents and their kids. According to researchers and data from primary schools, the HENRY program has contributed to a negative trend in childhood obesity in they city.

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  • 'It changes the way you see everything': the shocking film about gerrymandering

    In a time of extreme division in American politics, one documentary is highlighting an issue both sides agree is an issue--gerrymandering. As contorted districts have made elections pointless in many Michigan elections, the grassroots group Voters Not Politicians, featured in a recent documentary Slay the Dragon, worked to establish an independent, public citizen's commission for redistricting.

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  • 'Hate is always local': the Swedish city that said no to neo-Nazis

    The city of Kungälv, Sweden, with only 20,000 residents, developed a successful initiative to prevent the spread of neo-Nazis after the murder of a fourteen year-old anti-racist activist in 1995. Armed with the theory that "hate is always local," a local teacher created the Tolerance Project, held workshops with local teenagers and took them on trips to Holocaust sites. Now the "Kungälv model" is being practiced and adapted to local contexts around Sweden.

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  • Busting the myth that depression doesn't affect people in poor countries

    Depression and anxiety impact people across socioeconomic levels and geographic boundaries, despite being thought of as mostly isolated to wealthier western regions. Because training mental health professionals can be costly, many countries outside of the west have turned to training lay people in counseling tactics and practices.

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  • Sinking city: how Venice is managing Europe's worst tourism crisis

    Sustainable initiatives around Venice, Italy tackle the growing number of tourists flooding into the city each year. From waste management strategies to the implementation of resources to drive tourists to locally owned businesses, the city takes a comprehensive approach to reducing negative impact from tourism. Venice’s booming tourism industry is threatening the city’s very survival. But grassroots initiatives are making a difference – and may even help other cities

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  • Vaccines by air as drone medicine service takes off in Ghana

    Drones assist in providing crucial medical deliveries to remote areas. The robotics company, Zipline, has successfully partnered with health ministries in Rwanda and Ghana to provide medical deliveries by drone. After beginning with pilot programs in Rwanda, the service now serves both countries.

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