Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The University of California Stands Out Among Top Schools When It Comes to Serving Poor Students

    Compared to its peers, the University of California system is the best at enrolling and graduating low income students. In addition to funneling state funding towards these efforts, the UCs provide support throughout students' time in college and reach out to local high school students before the application process even begins, with summer academic enrichment programs and school visits.

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  • The Perks of a Play-in-the-Mud Educational Philosophy

    Across America, preschools that incorporate outdoor activities into their instruction are on the rise. It is believed that moving out of a classroom and into nature can help children creatively learn, build skills at focusing, and reduce anxiety.

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  • How France Cut Heroin Overdoses by 79 Percent in 4 Years

    In 1995, following high rates of deaths by heroin overdose, France implemented new policies that allowed primary care physicians to prescribe buprenorphine, a drug that helps curb opiate cravings, to patients suffering from opioid addiction, drastically reducing overdose deaths. In the U.S., doctors are required to go through a special addiction training to be able to prescribe buprenorphine, meaning that very few U.S. doctors can prescribe it.

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  • The Flaw in America's 'Holy Grail' Against Gerrymandering

    A statistic called the efficiency gap seems like a simple way to measure partisan gerrymandering. It’s easy to calculate and relies on actual election results, not hypothetical results, something called for back in 2004 and 2006 when alleged cases of gerrymandering were found by the U.S. Supreme Court to be too speculative to be ruled unconstitutional. However, the efficiency gap fails to account for key factors such as political geography, making it less of a silver bullet than originally hoped.

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  • A Root Cause of the Teacher-Diversity Problem

    In 2010, the U.S. District Court of Louisiana reissued a ruling originally given in 1975: desegregate faculty and fill open positions with qualified black applicants so that the black teacher ratio reflects the ratio of black students. Since 2010, the number of black hires has increased substantially and the achievement gap between black and white students has started to close. Northwestern University researchers are using this example to highlight an oft-ignored problem and potential room for a solution in the teacher diversity equation - biases in hiring practices.

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  • Is School-Discipline Reform Moving Too Fast?

    As the national education discussion has shifted away from zero tolerance discipline policies towards reduction of suspensions and the introduction of restorative justice tactics, some teachers and administrators say the change is happening too fast. Following the elimination of suspensions, at one school in Washington state, each year almost 13 percent of district staff left. Teachers cited lack of training and inconsistencies between standards and implementation in different classrooms as reasons for departing.

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  • What Happens When a School Stops Arresting Kids for Throwing Skittles

    After a school in Jefferson Parish gained national notoriety for having an 8th grader sent to juvenile jail for six days for tossing Skittles on a school bus, the area's schools reformed school discipline by adopting a system of mediation and community conflict resolution based on restorative justice principles. In the first year, one middle school's suspensions have dropped by more than half. Racial disparities in school suspensions or arrests have led many other schools to follow a similar path. Success seems to depend on making restorative justice central to the mission, not just a disciplinary add-on.

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  • Staging Bird Murders to Save a Species

    To reintroduce captive birds into their native lands, wildlife biologists are implementing rather unconventional methods of behavioral conditioning to train species how to behave when approached by a predator.

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  • Native Youth and the Prophecy of Crazy Horse

    After generations of waiting, the Oglala Sioux prophecy of an economic, spiritual, and social renaissance is coming true. "Now the Seventh Generation is here," and they are creating dynamic change in one the least developed communities in the United States. Providing highly reduced tuition and parental efficacy at excellent schools has allowed many children to break the generational poverty chain.

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  • A Rust Belt City's School Turnaround

    In a Buffalo school district where many students from low-income families struggled with trauma, attendance, and the effects of poverty, a nonprofit initiative called Say Yes to Education is implementing drastic change. The program increases graduation rates for minority students, grants scholarships and admissions guidance to colleges, provides medical and mental health care to under-served students, brings in mentors and after-school programs, and even assists students parents with job-readiness workshops and housing assistance.

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