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  • A Pound Of Flour To Go? Restaurants Are Selling Groceries Now Audio icon

    Across the United States, restaurants have been forced to close their dine-in services due to the coronavirus, but many have switched to online order and to-go options in order to stay open. Now, some of these restaurants are offering grocery orders as well, helping customers access ingredients that may be sold at local supermarkets.

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  • Are We Firing Too Many People In The U.S.? Audio icon

    “Kurzarbeit” is a German governmental program that helps preserve jobs in an economic crisis. A company can reduce the hours of workers and the government will help pay them, which preserves the important specialized training invested in manufacturing jobs, helps workers get some pay, and reduces the reliance upon unemployment benefits that are comparable to those in the U.S. It worked in the 2008 recession, and it is working in the economic downturn caused by COVID-19.

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  • Restaurants Need Income, Families Need Food. Two Marylanders Are Helping Both At Once

    With businesses and families alike hurting during the pandemic, one nonprofit is helping both by buying meals from local restaurants and delivering them to families in need. People who have been stuck at home but want to help their community nonetheless, have donated enough to provide 3,000 meals and almost $30,000 in revenue for local businesses. While the effort isn't a silver bullet, families and business owners are grateful for the help.

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  • Alternative Mourning Rituals Offer Comfort And Closure During An Outbreak

    Because a body can transmit a virus for up to ten days after death, family members who lost a loved one suffer from the lack of contact. In the DRC, where Ebola hit hard, psychologists have devised new ways of mourning with aspects of traditional burials in order to properly and safely mourn a family member. The Bethesda Counseling Center uses alternative burial methods like group sessions that release feelings in verbal and written forms and creates living memorials by planting trees and flowers. Families testify to how the program helped them heal, and the program could be scaled and applied elsewhere.

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  • Mush! Dog Team Delivers Supplies To Elderly Residents Shut In By Virus

    Aging seniors in rural Maine are high risk for COVID-19, so a musher and her team of dogs are set on delivering groceries to those who need it—by sled. Hannah Lucas, a resident of Caribou and an employee of the local convenience store, uses her skill set and team of Siberian huskies to deliver groceries from her place of work so people wouldn't have to leave their house. She aims for 4-6 deliveries a day and is booking days in advance.

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  • Technology To Clean And Reuse PPE Is Being Deployed To Hotspot Hospitals

    As the fight against COVID-19 continues, Ohio-based Battelle labs has created the Critical Care Decontamination System that can clean as many as 80,000 of personal protective equipment at once. The system, which was fast-tracked by the FDA for approval, is modular and scalable, so it can be shipped to locations around the country.

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  • With An Election On The Horizon, Older Adults Get Help Spotting Fake News

    Senior centers in Maryland are offering media literacy courses to discuss fact-checking and how to spot fake news stories online. A recent study by researchers at Princeton and NYU found that Facebook users over 65 are seven times more likely to post articles from fake news websites as are adults under 29, so digital literacy classes provide tools to help identify fake news sites. Many participants report feeling empowered by the class because they did not grow up online. Despite the interest, these courses are more difficult to integrate widely in senior centers than they would be in a school setting.

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  • France Transfers Coronavirus Patients On High-Speed Train With Mobile Emergency Room

    France is transporting patients from areas with high concentrations of coronavirus victims to areas where hospitals have vacant beds and ventilators. This helps to relieve some pressure on some of the hardest-hit regions.

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  • How South Korea Reined In The Outbreak Without Shutting Everything Down

    South Korea, Singapore, and Hong Kong have all acted in ways that show it is possible to effectively manage the COVID-19 outbreak without shutting down an entire country. The common thread may be that all three countries have dealt with previous coronaviruses: MERS and SARS. This helped them start testing early, limit travel effectively, and track movement and subsequently quarantine people who came into contact with the virus - thus limiting the spread and keeping infected numbers relatively low.

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  • Why Germany's Coronavirus Death Rate Is Far Lower Than In Other Countries

    Compared to its European counterparts, Germany has one of the lowest coronavirus fatality rates, around 0.5%. Experts credit the low rate to the country's decentralized diagnostic systems that allow federal states to make their own decisions about testing. The country has averaged about 120,000 tests a week since late February.

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