Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Journal Editors To Researchers: Show Everyone Your Clinical Data

    The editors of the leading medical journals around have said that researchers would have to publicly share the data gathered in their clinical studies as a condition of publishing the results in the journals. Doing so would allow the results to be verified.

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  • How Uganda Came To Earn High Marks For Quality Of Death

    Uganda has the best quality of death among low-income countries, according to the Economic Intelligence Unit. Its success stems in part from the strictly regulated but available supply of morphine, which is distributed by pharmacists in labeled bottles.

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  • In Cambodia, 'Lucky' Iron Fish For The Cooking Pot Could Fight Anemia

    The World Bank estimates that iron deficiency is a $50 billion drain on global GDP. In Cambodia, one entrepreneur has marketed little blocks of metal that are dropped in cooking pots and slowly release iron, entering the cooked food.

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  • Libraries Lend Mobile Wi-Fi Hot Spots To Those Who Need Internet Service

    In addition to lending media and information, libraries are now lending the means to access media and information by allowing patrons to borrow wi-fi hotspots.

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  • Utah Reduced Chronic Homelessness By 91 Percent; Here's How

    A decade ago, Utah set itself an ambitious goal—to end chronic homelessness. As of 2015, the state, which has adopted a "housing first" approach, can just about declare victory: The population of chronically homeless people has dropped by 91 percent.

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  • For Young Saudi Women, Video Games Offer Self-Expression

    In Saudi Arabia, female gamers were barred from gaming conventions so an all-female gaming convection was born, offering women a place of self expression and encouraging careers in science and computer programming.

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  • What Happens If You Try To Prevent Every Single Suicide?

    Suicide rates are rising in the U.S. The Henry Ford Health System in Detroit reduced suicide rates within their insurance plan by 80 percent by actively seeking at risk patients. They screen every hospital patient on every visit and immediately treat those in need.

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  • As Schools Buy More Local Food, Kids Throw Less Food In The Trash

    A national census of farm-to-school lunch programs said the kids ate more healthful meals and threw less food in the trash than kids not on the program. In D.C., by law, schools must incorporate some local food.

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  • Higher Ed's Moneyball?

    A Florida community college is boosting learning and graduation rates with new technology that gets professors access to real-time data on student engagement and performance.

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  • Denmark Might Be Winning The Global Race To Prevent Food Waste

    To decrease the nation's food waste, activists in Denmark showed the people that it was safe to buy and consume items that were very recently expired. From live demonstrations where celebrity chef features expired items in the entrees to reducing prices for out-of-date items, "Danes now throw away 25 percent less food than they did five years ago."

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