Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • In North Carolina, Hog Waste Is Becoming A Streamlined Fuel Source

    Swine biogas are making an appearance across North Carolina, a state with more hogs than any other state in the U.S. Turning methane from hog waste into electricity has allowed the state to earn valuable carbon offset credits as they work towards brining emissions to zero.

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  • In A Border Region Where Immigrants Are Wary, A Health Center Travels To Its Patients

    The Finger Lakes Community Health Center in New York is bringing healthcare to rural immigrant populations via video consultations. Dr. Sirene Garcia, the head of the program reaches her patients through video conferencing. This helps the large immigrant population in the area receive medical care without having to drive long distances in their cars and risk being picked up by border patrol.

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  • How More Meetings Might Be The Secret To Fixing High School

    Schools in 13 states have found a promising and "decidedly unsexy" solution to "ninth-grade shock" - one with a 40 percent decrease in failure rates to its name. In the "Building Assets, Reducing Risks" (BARR) model, teachers, counselors, and social workers meet twice a week to compare notes on students' attendance, behavior, and social life. With many adult figures in the same room and sharing the same Google Doc, the school has found it easier to identify troubling patterns and develop personalized plans for each struggling student.

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  • Opioid Treatment Program Helps Keep Families Together

    In Kentucky, a parent who is addicted to opioids and is reported to Child Protective Services, can get a second a chance. That’s because a program called START, gives parents the option of getting assigned a mentor that helps addicted parents through their recovery. Research “has shown it has a higher success rate in reuniting families than the traditional child welfare process.”

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  • Youth Farm In Hawaii Is Growing Food And Leaders

    An impoverished corner of Hawaii may not sound like the foundation of a successful agriculture endeavor, but local youth have proved otherwise. MA'O translating into youth food garden aims to show college-aged youth a way onto a different path by teaching them sustainable and organic farm practices alongside lessons in how to be leaders in all areas of life.

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  • They Risked Their Lives To Bring Music Back

    With the extremist group Al-Shabab active in the country, music has been a source of trauma for Somalis with music banned in Shabab controlled territory and musicians assassinated. A reality show centered around musical performance is hoping to bring music back into public life.

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  • Community And Vegetables Grow Side-By-Side In Syrian Refugee Camp Gardens

    For Syrian refugees staying in camps in Northern Iraq, gardening and greenery can be a way to stay connected to home while also providing a sense of purpose. The U.K. based nonprofit The Lemon Tree Trust works to help refugees start their own gardens - and eventually sell the produce - by sponsoring a home garden competition and providing toolkits and resources for individuals who'd like to get involved.

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  • Episode #1806

    Heroin purchased on the street is now commonly laced with fentanyl, a powerful narcotic, which has a much smaller lethal dose than heroin. Tino Fuentes spends his time in a place called "the hole" in the Bronx educating users about the dangers of fentanyl and testing their supply for this lethal drug with "fentanyl strips".

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  • ER Use Goes Down As Hospital Program Pays Homeless People's Rent

    The University of Illinois piloted a program to fund housing for homeless patients who frequent the ER as a means to get off the street, and seek treatment for their chronic health conditions. Maintaining stable housing for these patients actually reduces the long term cost to the ER because homelessness is associated with chronic conditions such as asthma, and simply having housing can eliminate a lot of the side effects of these conditions. This solution is saving the hospital money and improving the health outcomes and living situations of the patients.

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  • P Is For Phosphorus

    Phosphate is used for fertilizer on many farms. However, once the phosphorus washes away, it is next to impossible to recover, thus creating a phosphorus depletion. Using a very on the ground, grassroots approach, a small group of local citizens started asking other citizens to donate their urine to be recycled for the phosphate. After just a year, the group had 600 gallons of urine and after filtering it, it's being used on a local Vermont farm to fertilize hay on a dairy.

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