Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • What We Can Learn From Ghana's Obsession With Preschool

    When a group of preschool teachers in Ghana were taught about child-centered and open-ended learning as an alternative to a traditional rote memorization approach, they saw improvements in students' pre-literacy and pre-numeracy scores. The intervention served as a response to revelations of poor performance among early elementary school students. This despite the fact that 80 percent of 3 year olds in Accra, Ghana were enrolled in preschool. While some teachers have successfully rolled out the collaborative style in their classrooms, others have been met with significant cultural resistance.

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  • Men Teaching Men To Be Better Husbands And Dads

    MenCare is a health education program for rural Rwandan fathers, which teaches tactic for parenting, couples communication, and understanding prenatal care. Families whose patriarch participated in the program reported less domestic violence than those in a control group. Educational groups for men are part of a movement for women’s empowerment.

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  • 'Where The Need Is': Tackling Teen Pregnancy With A Midwife At School

    In some D.C. neighborhoods with high rates of teen pregnancy, schools are stepping in with more than just school nurses; dedicated midwives have conversations with students, educating students, providing birth control, and supporting teens who have had children and continued with high school. The informal advice and constant presence in schools mean the midwives can reach students who might not have reached out otherwise, ultimately helping to prevent teen pregnancies and build healthier families.

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  • For Survivors Of Domestic Abuse In Papua New Guinea, Volunteers Offer Safe Havens

    Volunteer advocates in Papua New Guinea are trained by the United Nations to be human rights defenders and are crucial links for women facing abuse to help them navigate through legal proceedings to get protection. In a country where many officials are bribed and women have few resources to get help, the defenders are usually their only route to escape. It's dangerous work but when it works by coordinating many sectors it's effective.

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  • Gun Studies: Permit Laws Reduce Murders; Red Flag Laws Cut Suicides

    New research on “red flag laws,” which allow the removal of guns police or courts deem someone is a danger to themselves or others, shows they have been effective at reducing firearms-related suicides when there is effective enforcement. However there is little data on how they affect murder rates, while gun permit laws requiring people to have licenses to buy guns do appear to decrease murder rates, according to another new study.

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  • Secrets Of A Maya Supermom: What Parenting Books Don't Tell You

    For generations, parenting advice provided to American parents was based less on science than on a “WEIRD” bias—Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic societies. Researchers are now trying to identify these biases and expand the study of parenting strategies past the small segment of American parenting.

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  • Telemedicine Takes Transgender Care Beyond The City

    For transgender and gender nonconforming individuals, seeking healthcare can be an agonizing process due to discrimination and a lack of provider familiarity with their unique healthcare needs. QMed, a virtual health service for transgender and gender nonconforming people who live in the southeastern United States - particularly those in rural areas where there are fewer doctors - allows transgender people to access the healthcare they need free from discrimination.

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  • How Saguaro National Park Hopes To Catch Prickly Cacti Thieves

    The National Park Service has resorted to microchipping hundreds of saguaro. Despite extensive legal protections, the iconic cacti are going missing. Rangers can only read the microchip by scanning a suspect cactus, but they hope this move will serve as an additional deterrent to would-be thieves hoping to cash in on the demand for saguaro among building owners.

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  • A Map To The Line, And How Not To Cross It: A Code Of Conduct For The Performing Arts

    The We Have Voice Collective is a group of 14 diverse female and non-binary musicians who have developed a code of conduct to address harrassment. Their goal is for the code to be instituted by venues, festivals, labels, schools, and for the code to be incorporated into artists’ riders.

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  • A New Approach To Incarceration In The U.S.: Responsibility

    To stop recidivism, the Middlesex House of Correction and Jail is replicating life on the outside for inmates while they are still in prison. Designed for 18 to 24-year-olds, the program removes some aspects of prison life, such as constant surveillance and locked doors, and supports participants as they manage increasing responsibilities and obligations.

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