Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Rhode Island Prisons Push To Get Inmates The Best Treatment For Opioid Addiction

    In order to reduce opioid related deaths, Rhode Island has taken a rare step among state prisons: offer medication and drug counseling to opioid addicts. The Rhode Island Department of Corrections gives small doses of either methadone, buprenorphine or naltrexone to inmates, as well as drug counseling. "I still have to fight the other drugs… But at least I have something to help with one of the ones that's brought me closer to death than anything else." Evidence show the program is working. There was "a significant drop in overdose deaths among people recently released from prison."

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  • California Offers Safe Space For Firefighters To Work Through Stress And Trauma

    Firefighters working the frontlines of California fires now have emotional supports at their base camps to help them process the toll of their work. Supports include chaplains, peer-to-peer interaction, and therapy dogs.

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  • How Schools Can Reduce Sexual Violence

    Researchers are using an approach that has reduced unsafe drinking on college campuses and applying it to preventing sexual assault and harassment by giving students actual facts about what their peers are doing and thinking. In this positive social norms approach, organizers use surveys of attitudes to correct misperceptions that teens peers don’t care about harassment or assault. Anecdotally it seems to be making a difference in behavior, although a full analysis is still in process.

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  • Firearms And Dementia: How Do You Convince A Loved One To Give Up Their Guns?

    With the rate of dementia expected to double in the next 20 years and estimates that nearly half the people over age 65 own guns, advocates are working to get dementia patients and their families to focus on gun safety. Like driving, guns can represent independence so creating a non-threatening way to talk about removing guns is key. One suggestion by advocates is to create a version of an advanced directive specifically for guns that can include transferring them to a trusted caretaker.

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  • 'Farming While Black': A Guide To Finding Power And Dignity Through Food

    Many sustainable farming practices originate from African roots, yet the industry in the United States is largely dominated by people who are white. Leah Penniman, an African American farmer based in a food desert in New York, saw the need to change this and began teaching her neighbors growing techniques and management practices, while also addressing social issues such as racism and food access.

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  • Is There A Cure For Hate?

    Organizations working to turn people away from violent hate groups have found some success with holistic approaches that include wrap-around services and acknowledging how people get caught up in racist ideology. But finding what works is challenging because so few resources and attention are directed to domestic hate groups. Scaling successful efforts is also difficult because they often involve building personal relationships to help people rediscover their humanity and compassion.

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  • The Seattle Experiment

    Seattle’s “Democracy Vouchers,” funded by a ballot measure to increase property taxes, provide money for residents to make campaign contributions, which increases civic participation and helps people running for office without political connections fund their campaigns. Every city resident receives four 25$ vouchers that they can sign over to the candidate of their choice and mail back in a pre-stamped envelope. Even though only 3% of vouchers were actually used, the number of people contributing to campaigns tripled and several non-establishment candidates were able to run campaigns and get elected.

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  • How One Colorado Town Is Tackling Suicide Prevention — Starting With The Kids

    The Grand Junction school district in Colorado is adopting Sources of Strength, a national program that empowers high school students to look out for each others' mental health. Organization around peer outreach is empowering students to process the high suicide rates in their area and talk openly with each other.

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  • A Rural Colorado Coal County Was Struggling. Then A Tech Company Brought New Jobs

    After “the shock” that laid off many coal miners in Delta County, Colorado, the area is experiencing a resurgence. Population is growing, finally, and a fiber optic internet company has stimulated the economy with new jobs. The company, Lightworks Fiber, has been on hiring spree, with 40 positions they are still looking to fill. It’s still a big transition from the coal economy - but not necessarily a bad one.

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  • In Iowa, A Commitment To Make Prison Work Better For Women

    At the Iowa Correctional Institution For Women officials are shifting how they deal with inmates, who have been punished at higher rates than inmates in men’s prisons for things like being disruptive. It’s part of a trend in 15 states called gender-responsive corrections that recognizes the role of trauma in many women’s lives and that they are less likely to be violent. It means more freedom to move around, no full strip searches and fewer punishments for minor violations.

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