Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • New Tree Tech: Cutting-edge drones give reforestation a helping hand

    Using drones to drop seeds is becoming a valid option to increase the scale and efficiency of tree-planting projects, especially in locations that are difficult for humans to reach. Seattle-based Mast Reforestation drops seeds in fire-ravaged areas with massive, custom-designed drones, and Australia’s AirSeed Technologies does so with a team of drones that don’t need human supervisors.

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  • Agroecology schools help communities restore degraded land in Guatemala

    Farmer associations and Indigenous and local communities across Guatemala are working together to recover ancestral agricultural practices and educate farmers in agroecology. The collective, called the Utz Che’ Community Forestry Association, is building agroecology schools that are free to attend and facilitate co-learning in which students learn from each other. Their work protects native forests and local livelihoods from the damage caused by intensive monoculture.

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  • Breadfruit: A starchy, delicious climate and biodiversity solution

    Nonprofits are spreading knowledge of breadfruit trees to communities facing food insecurity around the world because it is a reliable, resilient crop that produces abundant yields. Local farmers are taking an agroecology approach to planting the trees — which produce a nutritious, potato-like fruit — with other mixed crops so the plants can benefit from each other.

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  • One seed at a time: Lebanese project promotes agroecology for farmer autonomy

    An organic seed farm provides free education to Lebanese farmers on transitioning away from chemical pesticides and fertilizers into agroecology. The farm, called Buzuruna Juzuruna, is creating a network across the country and runs an heirloom seed cooperative with over 300 varieties of seeds to share for free.

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  • In the land of honey and nuts: Indigenous solutions to save Brazil's Cerrado

    The Resilient Cerrado Project funds Indigenous-community-led economic projects in Brazil’s Cerrado region. Projects like the Terena people’s beehive installation and beekeeper training help to protect the region’s biodiversity, cultural diversity, and improve community members’ welfare.

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  • Volunteers, First Nations work to bring back a disappearing oak prairie

    The volunteer-run Friends of Uplands Park Society works to restore and protect Uplands Park in Victoria, British Columbia. The members have helped native species, many of which are designated as at risk, thrive again by removing invasive species, planting more native species, and educating the community.

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  • Learning to live with — and love — bears and eagles in Colombia's cloud forest

    A group of conservationists created Techo de Agua to engage communities in Colombia with conservation efforts for endangered species like the black-and-chestnut speckled eagles and spectacled bears. The nonprofit educates locals about the importance of these animals and reduces human-wildlife conflict with individualized solutions.

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  • Ambikapur's women-led waste management system also generates revenue for the city

    Ambikapur, India, created a decentralized waste management system that allowed it to become a zero-landfill community while creating local jobs and earning revenue. Waste is collected from households, sorted into recyclable categories and compost, and then purchased by companies that will use it to create new goods.

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  • Honey production sweetens snow leopard conservation in Kyrgyzstan

    Two conservation organizations are helping communities in Kyrgyzstan diversify their sources of income from livestock to include beekeeping, agroecology, ecotourism, and crafts. These efforts are preventing conflicts with snow leopards to conserve the local population. And some of the money made from the program goes towards funding environmental projects chosen by the community.

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  • The Mexican family who gave up fishing to monitor and rescue sea turtles

    A family of former fishers created the Kino Bay Turtle Group to monitor sea turtles in Mexico’s La Cruz Lagoon. The conservationists work to rescue and tag turtles entangled in fishing gear, track the population, and educate the public about their importance.

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