Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Austin youth re-entry program has 15% recidivism rate, compared to 75% nationwide

    Jail to Jobs pays youth while they get trained for jobs in construction, manufacturing, landscaping, and cooking. The youth come from youth detention, the streets, probation, and foster care and their trainers are formerly incarcerated. Jail to Jobs, with four locations in Austin, has helped more than 600 young people find employment despite their pasts. Only 15% of its graduates have been jailed afterward, a lower-than-average recidivism rate.

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  • Telehealth addition makes Texas school nurse's offices look a lot different

    A handful of schools across Texas are implementing a telehealth program known as SchoolMed Virtual Care for Families to better serve their student body. The program pairs a virtual doctor with the school's in-person nurse to help assess the student and decide what sort of testing may be necessary or if the student can remain in school or should go home. During the pandemic, this service has played a significant role at at least one school in keeping the school open by being able to test on-site and order immediate isolation.

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  • Discutiendo soluciones educativas para familias que hablan español

    Un grupo de periodistas que documentaron las soluciones creadas por centros educativos y educadores, a problemas educativos causados por la pandemia, comparten sus ideas, recursos y retos para que se puedan fortalecer y replicar.

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  • How one school became a ‘COVID-19 Safety Zone' through innovative testing

    High school students at Somerset High School in San Antonio, Texas get tested every week for COVID-19. The method is called “assurance testing,” and is a way to target “silent spreaders,” people who have COVID who don’t show symptoms and spread the virus to the larger community. With assurance testing, silent spreaders are quickly identified, preventing them from spreading COVID. “Of the 70,000 tests Community Labs has run so far, 1,700 were identified as positive for COVID-19. Most of those positive test results came from people who were asymptomatic and had no idea they had the virus.”

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  • National organization repurposes summer camps, combating ‘summer slide' in reading and math

    As summer programs across the country shut down to the COVID-19 pandemic, The Children’s Defense Fund Freedom School summer program in Austin tried was forced to quickly pivot to virtual learning. They had to make large technological purchases, hire a help desk staff, reached out to volunteers, and had to figure out how to get students to log on.

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  • Distrito Escolar usa tecnología para ayudar a familias que hablan español

    Las escuelas públicas de Springdale, en Arkansas (Estados Unidos), han invertido mucho en mejoras en las comunicaciones para ayudar al 47% de los estudiantes hispanos y al 13% de los estudiantes de origegn marshalés del distrito, muchos de los cuales están aprendiendo inglés como segundo idioma. El distrito ha contratado a miembros del personal bilingües para crear contenido en varios idiomas y transmitirlo en una variedad de plataformas, además de haber aumentado un 20% su presupuesto de comunicación.

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  • How one Texas non-profit is helping foster children learn and stay safe during the pandemic

    The COVID-19 pandemic changed the way foster care works. The SAFE Alliance, a merger of Austin Children’s Shelter and SafePlace, had to change the way they do things to ensure the safety of children and teens. “In late February we decided we needed to create a COVID-response team, so the executive team got together and created what we call a COVID coordinator.” Apart from implementing safety protocols, they also found ways to avoid staff burnout, and restructured their teen parent and early childhood programs.

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  • Cómo los educadores están encontrando a miles de estudiantes que no podían alcanzar cuando empezó la pandemia

    Una combinación de creación de redes informales y visitas de casa en casa permitieron a distritos escolares en Texas a rastrear estudiantes "perdidos" a raíz de la pandemia, y dejando lecciones sobre cómo fortalecer estas relaciones a futuro.

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  • How electric cooperatives are helping Texas students tackle pandemic learning

    Around 20% of high school students in rural Moulton Independent School District in Texas don't have the vital internet connection they need to complete their assignments. Students at Shiner Independent School District, also a rural area school, faced similar issues. Both districts teamed up with Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative, a non-profit utility company, which distributed 20 unlimited data hotspots to Moulton at a $40 monthly cost, as opposed to $200+ cost. Along with individual mobile hotspots, GVEC also turned the Shiner school parking lot into a larger hotspot.

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  • School districts, local partners help feed thousands of kids despite school closures

    An estimated one-in-three students in the Texas Panhandle is experiencing food insecurity. In Amarillo, Texas, a local food bank, and two school districts are feeding students. “Between Amarillo and Canyon school districts and the Kid’s Cafe, more than 41,000 meals are served every day, and more than one million meals were served through Amarillo ISD’s drive and walk-up food distribution sites in March and April.”

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