Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • World in Progress: Medellin's war on dengue-carrying mosquitoes

    The world mosquito program works across countries to reduce the mosquito's ability to transfer the dengue virus. As part of this international program, scientists in Medellin, Columbia have been breeding mosquitos in a lab that are injected with a bacterrium before being released back into the wild. Since starting this experiment, cases of dengue have drastically decreased.

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  • World in Progress: Garbage solutions and restored treasures

    In Surabaya, Indonesia, an unusual approach to composting is helping reduce waste. BSF technology is short for “black soldier fly,” a type of maggot that devours organic waste. Once it grows, it acts as a food source for livestock. Pending government regulation, people will be able to sell maggots and profit from the waste-saving process, helping the environment in the process.

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  • Coffee helps protect Uganda's endangered mountain gorillas

    For many poachers near Uganda's Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, hunting is crucial to their livelihoods, even as regulations against the practice have increased. To help combat this, social enterprises like Gorilla Conservation Coffee are working to make coffee farming a sustainable and financially stable alternative. However, the model still needs some tweaks to ensure that farmers are adequately supported and the business can meet demand.

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  • Borussia Dortmund: The structures behind the club's fight against the far right

    A highly popular German sports club named Borussia Dortmund is taking advantage of its fanbase and following to promote anti-extremist messages, praise diversity, and celebrate inclusion. They do so in a variety of ways, including elevating and supporting independent fan initiatives like ballspiel.vereint!, requiring fan clubs and members to sign statues that reject far-right ideology, hosting educational field trips to former concentration camps for youth, and donating over a million dollars to the Yad Vashem Holocaust museum in Jerusalem.

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  • The gardens of Quito: Urban farming in one of the world's highest cities

    AGRUPAR, a program funded by the Quito local government, supports 4000 urban farming plots across the city. One of its goals is to make healthy, organically-grown produce more accessible to marginalized groups, including Venezuelan refugees and women. For 17 years, the group has provided education, support, and resources to make urban farming a reality.

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  • A unique nature insurance policy aims to preserve Mexico's Great Mayan Reef

    Coral reefs can dramatically reduce the power of a wave's energy, making the impact of severe storms (such as hurricanes) less devastating. In order for this to work, however, the coral reefs have to be healthy. In Mexico, the government and The Nature Conservancy have collaborated with a reinsurance firm, reef engineers and oceanographers to figure out how to create an insurance plan that uses tourism dollars to guarantee reefs will restored should they be harmed.

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  • Indonesia combines Islam with environmental activism

    In order to raise awareness about the impact of plastic waste in the country with the largest Muslim population in the world, Greenpeace and the Indonesian Ministry of Forest and Environment have teamed with the country’s largest Muslim organizations.

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  • What is Germany's dual education system — and why do other countries want it?

    Germany attributes its low youth unemployment rate to its widespread dual educational and vocational training program. College students split time between classrooms and office apprenticeships. Other countries are eagerly investigating Germany's successes, but leaders warn that "feeding such systems into countries without a culture of vocational training" will pose challenges.

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  • Can bird watching help save Colombia's forests?

    Cities near some of Columbia's national forests have seen a dramatic increase in their bird populations and tourism numbers after fighting between the government and guerilla groups quieted down. Many locals are finding economic prosperity by taking advantage of the war-zone turned bird watching phenomenon.

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  • Bioeconomy: A global trend?

    Bioeconomy is the practice of using biological processes and organic materials to reduce waste, and it's gaining traction as a means of business. Finland is home to one of the largest bioproduct mills, where "a whole ecosystem of companies" work together on projects such as converting sustainably logged wood into pulp before selling it to Europe and Asia and producing solid biofuels which will eventually create electricity.

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