Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • World in Progress: Colombian women access tele-abortions during pandemic

    In Colombia – where having an abortion can be stigmatizing, in some cases illegal, and now even more difficult due to the coronavirus pandemic – a clinic has set up a national hotline to help women who are up to 10 weeks pregnant aaccess to safe abortions at home. So far, the clinic has connected with 700 women.

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  • الابتزاز الجنسي في سوريا .. الضحايا يدعمن بعضهن

    تقدم مجموعات فيسبوك سوريّة مستقلة الدعم القانوني والنفسي لضحايا الابتزاز الجنسي الذي تزايد بسبب الوباء والصراع طويل الأمد. تبلّغ هذه الفرق عن حسابات المبتزّين، كما تتخذ إجراءات قانونية كي يتراجع الجناة، وتقدم الدعم النفسي والمعنوي للنساء اللاتي يخشين ردود فعل الأهل.

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  • Sextortion in Syria: Young women support each other

    To help Syrian women facing the threat of "sextortion" – harassment based on threats to expose women's nude photos – Gardenia magazine's It Is Your Right campaign has encouraged 1,100 women to come forward to sue their harassers. The campaign also provides counseling to the women. Another campaign, No To Electronic Harassment, acts more swiftly, seeking to close Facebook accounts used by harassers. So far it has closed dozens. The harassment often succeeds because of victims' fear, especially in Syrian society, of being found out by their families.

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  • When food becomes scarce – high-tech farms of the future

    Vertical farms in Japan grow greens stacked in a building without soil and increase productivity and profitability compared to traditional farming. This format could expand food production as the global demand for food grows and allow for quality growing conditions despite climate change.

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  • Direct-selling helps Indian farmers swerve food waste under lockdown

    As the spread of COVID-19 forced residents of Bengaluru into lockdown, farmers had to get creative to sell their goods and turned to social media channels to directly connect to consumers. For example, the Farm to Fork Bangalore Facebook page allowed a grape grower to sell about 400 kilograms of his crops that otherwise would have gone to waste. While direct-selling can be challenging for those who are not in urban centers, many farmers are rethinking their business models.

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  • Lösungen hacken in der Coronakrise

    Mehr als 20.000 Tüftler kamen Ende April beim Hackathon "EUvsVirus" zusammen, virtuell. Ziel: Die Suche nach Lösungen für die vielen Probleme in der Corona-Krise. Mittlweile hat sich die Idee europaweit ausgebreitet.

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  • Religiöse Feste in Corona-Zeiten

    Während Corona überdenken viele Gelehrte die Vorschriften ihrer Religion, damit Gläubige auch während Corona Feste feiern wie Pessach oder Ramadan feiern können. Der Ermessensspielraum unterscheidet sich von Religion zu Religion – doch fast alle greifen auf technische Lösungen zurück.

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  • How Vietnam is winning its 'war' on coronavirus

    South Korea's response to the coronavirus has been held up as exemplary. How is Vietnam achieving similar results with fewer resources and a smaller budget?

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  • In Kenya, herders turn an invasive cactus into biofuel

    The invasive prickly pear cactus is spreading over grazing lands in Kenya and is harming herders’ livestock. So a local environmental science graduate is testing a system to turn the cacti into biogas. While the system can be expensive to install, the gas can be used for cooking and fertilizer, which can free up time for pastoralists and reduce the amount of firewood used. The graduate is training eight women’ groups to use the system.

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  • Can tourists coexist with nature on Lebanon's Rabbit Island?

    In a stark juxtaposition to Lebanon’s polluted beaches, just 150 off the coast lies Palm Island – more commonly known as Rabbit Island – seeking to remain pristine and pollution-free. Promapir, an EU-funded collaboration between Lebanon’s Environment Protection Committee and the Office d’Exploitation du Port de Tripoli, is charging visitors to help pay for rangers, trash disposal and maintenance of the plants and beaches. While a valiant effort, the real challenge will be changing the habits of those who visit to prevent them from leaving litter in the first place.

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