Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Idea: Open Health Hubs, One-Stop Shops for Addiction Recovery

    Health engagement hubs like Washington state’s Buprenorphine Pathways connect people with prescriptions for methadone and buprenorphine to help treat addiction. In addition to medication and a syringe-exchange program, the hub also connects patients to social services, taking a more holistic approach to addiction treatment.

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  • Philly residents patrolled Kensington for 36 nights this fall. Now they want the city to back the model.

    Residents of Philadelphia created a neighborhood watch and patrolled streets where violent crime is common between 10 p.m. and 4 a.m. The initiative, Operation Hug the Block, aims to reduce gun violence and other crimes by keeping people with strong community ties present on the streets.

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  • Could fixing abandoned homes reduce gun violence in Philly? New research says yes

    Researchers have found that cleaning up and making repairs to homes is leading to reduced gun violence. The city’s Basic Systems Repair Program facilitates these interventions by providing free repairs for low-income households and abandoned buildings that can often become hubs for illegal activity and gun storage. These improvements help address stigma, boost local moral and improve the overall look and feel of the city by cleaning up vacant lots and business storefronts.

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  • Community College Partnership Fills Education, Mental Health Gaps In Amador County

    Rural counties in California face a shortage of psychiatrists and therapists. Some counties are responding to this issue by investing in mental health workers. In Amador County, the Amador College Connect program allows students who want to pursue a certificate or associates in human services to enroll in online courses. 44 students have been sponsored through the program since 2014.

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  • Amador County builds community college pipeline for mental health workers

    To increase the number of mental health professionals in Amador County, California, the county has created an online program that culminates in a certificate or associate degree in human services. Preference to this small program is offered first to those that have personal experience with mental health issues, which adds an element of peer support to their skillset.

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  • Income Experiment Offers Stockton Residents a Glimpse at the California Dream

    Stockton, California is piloting a closely-watched experiment with Universal Basic Income, providing a $500 allowance each month for 18 months to 125 low-income families. Preliminary data captured during the first 5 months of the pilot show how recipients spend the money, but participants report benefits beyond the financial, like lower stress levels.

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  • How Suicide Trainings, Community Connections Could Patch Holes In Amador's Mental Health Safety Net

    Community members of Amador County are implementing suicide trainings and community events to help intervene in crises and destigmatize talking about mental health. Using "leftover dollars from the state’s Proposition 63 millionaire tax," these efforts have resulted in community conversations and events such as suicide walks.

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