Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Transforming the Delta

    The Next California project, a collaboration between AgLaunch and WWF, is helping transform the Mississippi Delta into a sustainable and prosperous agricultural economy. Working with local farmers across Arkansas, Tennessee, and Mississippi, the organizations are helping agricultural operations incubate projects, diversify assets, and grow distribution networks.

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  • These five cities are taking bold steps to rein in sprawl

    The sustainable city of the future involves public transit and a revitalized downtown - at least, that’s the common thread between what five cities are working towards across the globe. Los Angeles, Atlanta, Shanghai, Hamburg, and La Paz have all taken efforts to invest in building cities where families can work and live without commuting in a car, and where walking is encouraged. Some have made more progress than others, but government investment in sustainable design bodes well for the future.

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