Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Where Art Thou, Rebuild?

    Philadelphia’s Rebuild project leveraged revenue from a new tax on soda along with philanthropic funding to renovate parks, recreation facilities, and libraries throughout the city. Because of its focus on equity, the program funneled roughly 20 percent more funding into disadvantaged areas compared to the city’s previous capital projects, but due to delays in the process and the level of repairs and renovation needed, the city was ultimately only able to tackle about half the number of Rebuild projects it originally projected.

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  • Staying Connected: Moms Who Pump in Prison

    Riverside Correction Facility in Philadelphia has implemented a program that allows incarcerated new mothers the opportunity to both learn about the benefits of maintaining breast milk supply, and also provide it for their newborns. The lactation program not only carries significant health benefits for the infant and mother, but also encourages crucial bonding between the two.

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  • The Real Possibilities for Change

    Philadelphia could benefit from Connecticut’s Child FIRST program. The company sends therapists to family homes to help them address their mental health situations using Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP). Child FIRST gets federal funding and has been recognized as "evidence based" treatment by the Department of Health and Human Services.

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  • This Vermont program might reduce sex offender recidivism. Could it work in Philly?

    A program called Circles in Vermont is built on the idea that it takes an entire community to help sex offenders reintegrate back into a community. Circles is also used in other states and countries and creates supportive networks of volunteers who offer a safe place for offenders to discuss their triggers and help them build authentic connections and relationships so they are part of the community rather than pushed to the fringes.

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  • Free SEPTA for Students

    Making Philly more accessible to college students could help keep them in the city after graduation, prolonging the economic benefit and supplying skilled workers.

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