Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The dogs who bring the fallen home

    Volunteer cadaver dogs are specially trained to find the bodies of missing persons to give grieving families answers and the chance to bring them home.

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  • The INN Between: A place where no one dies alone

    The INN Between is a hospice center for people who are homeless, ensuring those who are terminally ill and unhoused don’t die alone or on the streets. The building first opened in 2015, providing palliative care, food, medication, a bed and community to those who need it most. Since opening, the center has supported 122 people through their final moments.

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  • Tracking the unseen: How public health workers chase COVID-19 in Salt Lake County

    Contact tracing, the act of identifying the people that someone infected with COVID-19 has come into contact with to reduce transmission, is front and center for Salt Lake City County’s Infectious Disease and Epidemiology bureaus, which have increased staff by 100 people to adapt to rising need. As opposed to what some deem invasive technology used to do contact tracing in other countries, Salt Lake City is relying on an all-hands-on-deck surveillance effort through questioning of individuals with the goal of reducing spread as much as possible.

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  • The new campus crisis: How anxiety is crippling college kids across the country

    As colleges around the country struggle to meet rising mental health needs among the student population, the University of Michigan created a network of small support groups that helps students connect with and provide support to one another. Students attend these casual support groups of 6-10 people and share their anxieties, struggles, and worries from their academic and personal lives.

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  • Life & Liberty

    Veterans who suffer from post traumatic stress disorder number about one-fourth of military personnel returning from Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts, roughly 500,000 veterans so far. Inmates in prisons nationwide train dogs as companions for these war veterans, providing a sense of healing for all.

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  • Living Lonely: Seniors in search of a song

    A choir for singers aged 55-plus serves as a "hedge against loneliness," with weekly practices that give its members an activity combining creativity and socializing. The Encore Chorale is part of a network nationwide that grew out of a study showing chorale members to be happier, more active, and less medicated. Loneliness has been linked to a host of physical and emotional maladies. Distinct from social isolation, loneliness can dominate the life of someone surrounded by others but disengaged. It is common among older adults as retirement and deaths deprive them of activity and companions.

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