Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Veterans, gang members find peace in unexpected 'brotherhood'

    The anti-violence program at a YMCA in Chicago has war veterans mentoring young gang members as a treatment for the mental and physical wounds of violence. The gang members have healthy role models and the veterans a new sense of purpose.

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  • The Nursing Home That's Also a Dorm

    More retirement and nursing homes are asking college students to move in, an arrangement that benefits everyone. Students stay free of charge in exchange for volunteering to help the seniors.

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  • A New Way of Fighting Crime—and Helping Victims—on the Violent Streets of Los Angeles

    Four community groups in the Los Angeles area work to address the root causes of what draws young people into gangs with a mix of approaches to help people leave the gang life, including education and job services, counseling, addiction services, and tattoo removal. Some also focus on helping victims since so many gang members start out life as victims themselves and this feeds into a cycle of violence. All of them focus on creating community and belonging, which is why so many young people join gangs in the first place.

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  • A Prescription for More Black Doctors

    On average, black students in public schools receive fewer resources giving them a late start. A mostly black university in New Orleans has increased overall achievement by developing students’ shared responsibility for one another’s success.

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  • For Teens in Crisis, the Next Text Could Be a Lifesaver

    With pressures of depression, anxiety, and suicide on the rise, teenagers in the United States are challenged to find the comfortable outlet and accessibility for emotional support. The Crisis Text Line offers a counseling service through mobile texting, which reduces the shame that can occur when approaching an in-person counselor, and expands access to professional mental health counseling nationwide.

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  • Why are low income students not showing up to college, even though they have been accepted?

    Forty percent of low-income students accepted to college never start school because of a fear of debt and feelings they don't belong. A New York college access organization is using peer-mentoring to help perspective students jump over the hurtles.

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  • What Do the Poor Need? Try Asking Them

    Neighborhood Centers, a Houston anti-poverty program has a simple philosophy: “The people are the asset, the source of potential solutions, not the problem.” The non-profit has scaled nationally, employing its bottom-up approach to disburse funds in poor communities.

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  • Oakland probation camp offers Freedom School to young detainees

    Freedom Summer Camp allows for convicted young men to find a sense of community allowing them to connect to the world and fuel greater desires for achievement.

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  • Minneapolis uses citywide plan to reduce youth violence

    After a rampant problem of violence among youths, Minneapolis enacted a violence-prevention plan which focused on collective action and stemming the causes at their source, resulting in nonfatal shootings involving youths drop by 72%. Now, other cities with similar problems are trying to follow suit.

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  • A Peek into Silicon Valley's Newest Bet: AltSchool

    AltSchools use a completely different education system - interconnecting technology and hands on experiments - to help students achieve a higher degree of learning. Students are grouped into small, personalized cohorts so they can be both mentors and mentees for their fellow peers, creating a collaborative learning space for all.

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