Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Foundation Tackle Open Defecation Using Pet Bottles 

    In an effort to increase access to clean water, Rockians Medical Foundation rehabilitated a hand pump borehole and constructed four toilets made out of recycled materials in a rural village for community members to use.

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  • Wastewater treatment in a box: Technology, engineers help Spruce Pine fast-track recovery from Hurricane Helene

    With the help of mobile wastewater treatment units called Bluboxes, cities experiencing a water crisis after Hurricane Helene are now able to process 400,000 to 450,000 gallons of water a day, about half of their water plant’s normal capacity.

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  • Can desalination quench agriculture's thirst?

    Several pilot studies point to the viability of desalination projects being an effective option for farmers in certain fresh-water-scarce regions.

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  • Solar Power Brings Water to Thirsty Nigerian Community

    Community members, in collaboration with the non-profit Save the Children and the United States Agency for International Development, installed a solar-powered borehole earlier this year, making clean water more accessible to the village. Community members regularly clean the water taps and perform system maintenance to ensure the water supply isn’t disrupted, as the solar-powered solution has become their primary source of clean water.

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  • Fighting Water Scarcity and Disease: Kenya's Sand Dam Revolution

    Amidst water scarcity and increased waterborne diseases, community members are using sand dams, an innovative water management system, to conserve rainwater for daily use. Sand dams offer extended water storage capabilities, lasting up to a year, ensuring community members have consistent access to clean water for farming, cooking and general hygiene. There are currently six sand dams in the community serving 600 households.

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  • A Year After Historic Civil Rights Settlement, Alabama Slowly Bringing Sanitation Equity to Rural Black Communities

    The nonprofit Black Belt Unincorporated Wastewater Projects is installing advanced, three-stage wastewater filtration systems at homes in Lowndes County, Alabama, where effective wastewater treatment options are urgently needed. The nonprofit installs and maintains the systems for $20 per month, using two major federal grants to cover the upfront costs.

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  • India: Back to the future

    The city of Bangalore is combining traditional well-building practices with modern wastewater treatment technology to address the local water crisis. By getting the community involved, they’ve bolstered forgotten wells, integrated advanced filtration systems and made significant progress towards a more sustainable future. One community alone has revitalized 200,000 manholes over the course of eight years.

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  • Yellowstone Club becomes first ski resort in Montana to turn wastewater into snow 

    The Yellowstone Club ski resort in Montana is misting treated wastewater into the air with machines to make snow. This keeps its ski runs open during dry winters and produces more runoff in the summers to recharge crucial aquifers.

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  • The Surprising Power of Wastewater Wetlands

    Wastewater treatment plants constructed to mimic natural wetlands — complete with varied topographies, native plants, and logs — are becoming a popular way to prevent pollution while creating environments where wildlife can thrive.

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  • An innovative solution to tackling Nigeria's water crisis

    The Filter X360 uses gravity to purify water without requiring any power supply or chemicals by using ultrafiltration technology to remove bacteria and viruses from fresh water sourced from nearby rivers, lakes and ponds. The machine can purify 1,000 liters per hour and reduces the risk of illness and also prevents locals from having to purchase bottled water or simply go without clean drinking water.

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