Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Stockholm Is Sprouting Healthy Trees From Concrete

    The "Stockholm tree pit” model involves digging a pit and constructing a frame underground around an urban tree’s roots, then filling this pit with a mixture of soil and stone to both aerate and fertilize the soil while also allowing rain water to be collected. The circumference of select planted trees increased from 30 to 35 centimeters to 100 and 136 centimeters between 2004 and 2024, even surpassing that of trees without the tree pits that have been there for more than 80 years.

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  • How 'Superblocks' Can Create People-Centered Cities

    Superblocks are areas in congested cities where traffic has been rerouted to prioritize people. Outfitted with green spaces and communal areas to connect, superblocks help reduce air and noise pollution. Residents living in the area report a higher quality of life and increased social interaction with their neighbors. The idea of superblocks has traveled around the world to cities like Vienna, Berlin, Buenos Aires, and Los Angeles.

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  • In Warsaw, Falling Road Deaths Signal a Traffic Safety Turnaround

    In an effort to reach Vision Zero, the Swedish safety strategy that aims to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, Warsaw has implemented measures that have dropped the number of road deaths by 55% over the last 10 years. Strategies like upgraded crosswalks, increased fines for lawbreaking drivers and the creation of roundabouts are just some of the methods that have helped make the roads safer, and the city plans to double its investment over the next four years.

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  • Un lugar donde escapar del calor a menos de 10 minutos: cómo se tejió la red de "refugios climáticos" de Barcelona

    La red de refugios climáticos de Barcelona, que empezo en 2020 con 70 espacios, se ha convertido en un referente internacional para la protección de los ciudadanos ante el calor. En 2023, el 68% de los ciudadanos tuvieron un refugio climático a cinco minutos caminando desde su casa y el 98%, a diez minutos.

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  • How Frankfurt Harnesses Local Wind Currents for Urban Cooling

    Frankfurt is changing the way it designs its buildings to adapt to extreme heat. The city works with urban climatology researchers to ensure new housing and skyscrapers won’t impact the wind corridors that keep residents cool, and it promotes practices like installing green roofs.

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  • Pennsylvania Legalized Speed Cameras. You Won't Believe What Happened Next.

    A pilot program tested speed cameras on one of Philadelphia’s most dangerous roads to reduce traffic injuries and fatalities and found speeding violations decreased by 90%. The program works by using the cameras to issue warnings to anyone driving 11 miles or more over the speed limit and then issuing fines after a 60-day grace period. Following the program’s success, it’s beginning to gain momentum in other cities, too.

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  • Guerrilla urbanists are 'doing it our damn selves'

    Guerrilla urbanism by groups like Chattanooga Urbanist Society develop low-cost, short-term interventions to community problems, like installing bike lanes and painting crosswalks, to fill gaps left by local government. Chattanooga Urbanist Society is focused on making the city more pedestrian-friendly and has installed more than 60 benches in the area. The group also accepts service requests from locals to handle issues the local government hasn’t touched.

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  • St. Louis Fills a Downtown Void With Soccer

    In an effort to restore a sense of urbanism and community to the city, CityPark repurposed an old manufacturing plant to develop a 32-acre soccer campus, attracting sports teams, fans and other patrons to the city for games, shopping, dining and other festivities. During CityPark’s first season, it brought in an extra $73 million in revenue for the city.

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  • Also Migrating From Latin America: A Wave of Urban Innovation

    The UCSD-Alacrán Community Station is a sanctuary neighborhood for migrants fleeing violence in their countries of origin that allows them to participate in building a community and new life for themselves. The neighborhood houses about 1,800 people on three acres and features a health clinic, food hub and school.

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  • What Happens After a Highway Dies

    After the highway’s removal in 2014, Rochester’s Inner Loop was transformed into Adventure Place, as part of the new Neighborhood of Play, which reimagined the urban landscape, featuring retail spaces, bike lanes and affordable housing options. Since the highway was filled in, more than $200 million in new investment has been generated. Moreover, several other cities, including New Orleans and Baltimore, are beginning to follow in their footsteps.

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