Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How one small road is teaching Norfolk big lessons on flood mitigation

    In Norfolk, Virginia, city planners are mitigating seasonal floods by planning for the future. City planners raised intersections on two key streets of an intersection and built a park to restore wetlands.

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  • How women-friendly design could make Philly a more livable city for all

    As the result of a photography exhibit that highlighted the gender inequality built into public transportation, Vienna directed resources to make urban planning more equitable. The city now prioritizes more streetlights to address public safety concerns, wider sidewalks to accommodate strollers, more benches, apartment buildings with stroller storage spaces, and more. The efforts have resulted in more accessible infrastructure, increasing not just the quality of life for women, but for all residents of the city.

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  • On the bricks: Efforts to increase commercial affordability in Boulder and beyond take time and planning

    A big factor in the high costs of doing business in Boulder is a tight and expensive commercial real estate market. Some of the many initiatives the city is considering are beginning to work already in Portland. There, the city's economic development agency, Prosper Portland, has acted as an intermediary to open more affordable spaces to small, local businesses. With extras like marketing and accounting help, the program managed to retain all of its original tenants, although a big push to enlist private developers in creating new space has hit snags.

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  • Sanitation solutions: How giving people trash bins made Baltimore cleaner

    Baltimore’s green bin program shows there are relatively simple steps cities can take to tangibly improve the cleanliness of neighborhoods. The solution is also working in Philadelphia, through which people who live in the city are lidded trash cans and bins to store their garbage.

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  • With investors knocking, Charlotte HOAs are starting to change their rules

    One reason the market for middle-income housing has grown tight in Charlotte is a shortage of available homes for sale because corporate investors have bought so many developments for their rental income. To preserve affordable housing and encourage healthier communities, some homeowners associations are using restrictive deed covenants to try to limit corporate owners' encroachments. In one neighborhood, it seems to have worked, but there are legal complications that must be considered as other HOAs seek to copy the tactic.

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  • How Zurich Blazed a Trail for Recycled Concrete

    Zurich, Switzerland's largest city, is paving the way for sustainable building. Concrete is a major contributor of climate change due to the process it requires to make it. Zurich is making steps to reduce its use. A school building was constructed in 2002 with 80 percent recycled concrete. Three years later city officials passed a requirement that required all publicly-owned buildings to be made with recycled concrete and in 2013 ordered the use of CO2 reduced cement. According to a study the effort has saved 17,000 cubic meters of virgin materials.

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  • PA cities have a sewer-system problem. Green infrastructure can help — but comes with its own risks

    In many cities, rainwater is drained through "grey infrastructure" things like pipes, streets, etc. In some cities, this system is combined with the sewage system. Rainwater drains into the sewage system, is then cleaned, then emptied into the river. However, with strong storms some sewage systems overflow. A problem that will worsen with climate change. In Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, rain gardens are one solution to overflowing sewage systems. Cities like Harrisburg are turning to green infrastructure, things like rain gardens, roofs with gardens, and parks, to ease the burden on gray infrastructure.

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  • Cooler, Cleaner Megacities, One Rooftop Garden at a Time

    Organizations in Egypt and Bangladesh are greening their cities by turning rooftops into urban gardens that can grow food, reduce air pollution, and decrease air temperatures. Green Savers in Dhaka has installed more than 5,000 rooftop gardens in the city and Urban Greens in Cairo partners with sponsors to install hydroponic rooftop gardens for families experiencing economic hardship. It’s been a challenge to convince people that the cost to maintain these spaces is worthwhile, but through community outreach efforts, these organizations have seen an increase in interest in installing rooftop gardens.

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  • ‘Make room for everyone:' Why density could be key to liveability in Langford

    A new rent-to-own development is providing an affordable housing option. Known as My Belmont, the new solution is combining affordability with walkability as well as access to public transportation - a combination that is hard to find. Although the new project offers limited spots, it’s being highlighted as the type of mixed-used housing developments that can help alleviate the issue of affordable housing and provide a better quality of life.

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  • The problem fueling the essential housing crisis and how to fix it

    Charlotte's tight housing market can prove unaffordable to young professionals, with high rents equal to half a person's income. The "essential housing" niche, a middle ground between luxury homes and lower-cost "affordable" housing, provides an opportunity to economize on construction costs and pass those savings on to renters. Fewer apartment floor plan options and fancy amenities can translate into rents up to $700 less, a marketing strategy that has given the developer a strong rental business – and its younger customers a relative bargain in an expensive market.

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