Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • What the Weeds Are Telling Us

    The Palmer amaranth weed improves the health of disturbed soils like agricultural fields. Throughout its lifecycle, the plant’s deep roots loosen the compacted soil, bring nutrients to the surface and utilize excess nitrogen in the soil.

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  • In the US West, Researchers Consider a Four-Legged Tool to Fight Two Foes: Wildfire and Cheatgrass

    Scientists are experimenting with a low-cost way of combatting an invasive species and wildfires. They’re using cattle to graze on cheatgrass, which has spread across the U.S. West, disrupted native plants and animals and become a source of fuel for fires. The cows were able to reduce the grass by an average of more than 60 percent, creating an area that could prevent fires from spreading.

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  • Seaweed Inc.: As climate threatens lobster, Maine eyes new cash crop

    As harvesting lobsters becomes more uncertain along the Maine coast due to climate change, many fishers are turning to kelp farming as a way to diversify their income. Atlantic Sea Farms purchases 1 million pounds of kelp a year from dozens of farmers resulting in The Pine Tree State becoming one of the top aquaculture producers in the United States.

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  • Common goals ensure forest restoration success in northern Thailand

    Collaboration between the Hmong community, researchers, and park authorities in northern Thailand has allowed them to work together to restore the forest in Doi Suthep-Pui National Park. Between 1997 and 2013, they used assisted regeneration to restoring 33 hectares of forest, which also increased the area’s natural flora and fauna. Because of their efforts, their approach is being implemented in tropical forests around the world, including Cambodia, Madagascar, and Tanzania.

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  • How Stony Brook University Scientists Gave Shinnecock Bay a New Life

    After planting clams in Shinnecock Bay in 2012, scientists at Stony Brook University were able to reverse the trends of red tide in the coastal New York waters. The bay restoration project resulted in 400,000 square meters of seagrass regrowth and the local clam population significantly grew.

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  • Carbon credits versus the Big Gulp

    By planting cattails and tule reeds in a California Delta farmland, scientists hope to change the area into a marsh with peat that can store carbon dioxide. This would also support levees from failing and prevent salty ocean water from ruining crops and threatening drinking water. Managing this kind of landscape can be expensive, and farmers are not always on board with converting their land, but this pilot project has already doled out 52,000 tons of carbon credit making it the first wetland project in the United States to do so.

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  • How farmers in Earth's least developed country grew 200 million trees

    After years of drought and land-clearing that left Niger with few trees left, the country now boasts about 200 million trees, which have mostly been reestablished naturally. While the effects of climate change could threaten the future of these trees, this method has also increased crop yields in villages. This model of letting trees grow back with little human influence could be implemented in other countries.

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  • Why a dry Chilean lagoon matters to the future of the Great Salt Lake

    Burdened by extreme drought, water diversions, and a lack of regulation, Lake Acuelo in Chile dried up. Now, researchers are learning from this slow-moving ecological disaster to help other lakes in trouble, like Utah’s Great Salt Lake.

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  • On a Honduran island, a community effort grows to protect its precious reefs

    Bay Islands Conservation Association is an environmental organization in Rotán, Honduras, working with local communities to balance tourism and the safety of the natural environment. It does so through science and data collection, supporting and informing authorities, and educating the communities.

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  • From Fish Waste to Community Wealth

    A government agency in India is turning fishing waste into useful commodities, which help both the environment and the community. Discarded fish parts often littered the beaches near fish markets, leaving a stench and a mess that stigmatized the neighborhood. Now the parts are being processed and sold as fertilizers leading to a cleaner community, less waste, and a much-needed alternative source of income in the fishing community.

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