Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Mathcorps

    A local math teacher is trying to bring a successful Motor City tutoring program to Philly. The secret ingredient? Love for math, and building relationships between mentors and students.

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  • The California High School Where Students Are Finding Ways to Excel

    In San Bernardino, California - a city that has declared bankruptcy and struggles to keep kids in school, one high school uses a comprehensive approach to teaching by offering positive clubs and college prep education, and even a daycare for students with young children. The school allows for mistakes and windy paths along the road to graduation and offers AVID, a national program that gives one-on-one support for students in exchange for a tough course load and promised dedication to school work.

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  • ‘You are more than your mistakes': Teachers get at roots of bad behavior

    In 1997, researchers found a connection between Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and adult health problems. Seattle's public schools are part of a growing cohort nationwide applying this knowledge in the classroom to help students who are facing immense challenges at home. By considering external stresses and factors, such as divorce, domestic violence, or family substance abuse (All ACEs), teachers are slower to jump to judgement or punishment. After four years of teacher training, Bemiss Elementary School is getting results, with a 33 percent decrease in suspensions for the 2014 school year.

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  • Another Chance for Teens

    Since the 1960s, New York City has run the nation’s largest publicly managed summer jobs program. Nearly 50,000 14- to 24-four-year-olds spend six weeks working, not only in publicly funded day care centers, summer camps, hospitals and city agencies, but also high-tech firms and Fortune 500 companies. The summer jobs help at-risk kids keep from dropping out of school.

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  • Behind Prison Walls, This Program Demonstrates That It's Never Too Late to Learn

    The Petey Greene program, which has students tutor prison inmates, is helping to create positive impact and change in the lives of both the university student tutors and the inmates they mentor. It provides prisoners with better opportunities once they are released, and the tutors with a renewed appreciation of the power of education.

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  • The Future Project How Two Young Social Entrepreneurs Are Trying To Close The Inspiration Gap In Schools

    The Future Project aims to give students the resources needed to define and fulfill their dreams and re-engage students in school. Dream Directors get teens motivated to act on their ideas and expand their abilities.

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  • Bringing a Charter School Approach to college

    There are many reasons why a student might leave university without graduating. Match Beyond helps students who dropped out of college finally receive their degree through personal counselors who make sure that the students are fulfilling all the necessary things in order to graduate.

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  • The Excitement of Learning From Profit and Loss

    500,000 young people drop out of high school each year; they feel disengaged and uninspired; they fail to see how school is relevant in their lives. An educational program called Build makes it possible for low-income students, as part of their high school studies, to work in teams, conceiving, testing, and ultimately operating their own small businesses. In the process, they discover — often to their surprise — their potential to deal with unexpected problems, persist through failure, and create something that the world values.

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  • A Town Where a School Bus Is More Than a Bus

    There are many other adults beyond teachers who regularly interact with children — and who are often overlooked as potential contributors to the educational mission. Hartsville, South Carolina, uses school bus drivers as a resource and extra set of eyes to observe how students are doing.

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  • Only 1 in 5 NYC students graduates from college. This nonprofit is going to change that

    Educational nonprofit OneGoal has proven that its model of education helps provide low-income students in Chicago and Houston with the tools needed to pursue a college degree. Now, the nonprofit hopes to improve the college graduation rate in New York City by assisting high school students in understanding the basic techniques to achieve success.

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