Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Research Says ‘Voucher' Programs Can Help Students

    The Catholic Education Foundation in Kansas City has provided nearly $600,000 in scholarships to approximately 300 low-income students to give them the choice to choose where they want to go to school. Because it is funded by businesses through tax-deductible contributions, it is a contentious issue by involving public money. The program has found over time that although the difference in test scores between private and public schools is modest, the real benefit of the program is helping families make informed choices about their education without access being an issue.

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  • Black Teachers Matter. School Integration Doesn't

    Only seven percent of public school teachers are black. Rafiq R. Kalam Id-Din II dismisses school integration as the central solution to equal opportunity in education. He shows instead that dropout rates for black male students fell by 39 percent when students had at least one black teacher in grades 3-5.

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  • How Teens Can Fight Math Anxiety

    Mindfulness and programs, such as Math Guru, designed to address student's anxiety are being implemented in several areas as a way of combatting anxiety and helping students talk through their fears so that it doesn't impede their performance or develop into a more severe issue. Particularly, in places where anxiety and mental illness is high, these areas are looking into the benefits of student mindfulness training.

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  • Who Needs Charters When You Have Public Schools Like These?

    Despite a deplorably small budget and an ominous lack of support from the government, the Union Public Schools district of Tulsa, Ok is achieving the incredible. Though many of the students are minorities and hail from low-income families, Union boasts exceptional graduation rates and a remarkable STEM-focused curriculum. Their success stems from a comprehensive focus on each individual child within the classroom and beyond, creating a hub for the greater community that includes resources like child care for teen mothers and a student-run garden.

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  • Minneapolis North High School dramatically increased its graduation rate. How'd they do it?

    High school graduation rates, especially for Black and Hispanic students, are alarmingly low, which led North High School in Minneapolis to rebuild the school model and foster a dramatic increase in the number of students graduating. Through daily advisory periods with teachers, a community of peer support, close contact between teachers and parents, and outside guidance, the school has seen overwhelming improvement.

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  • In a Rust Belt Town Where Tuition Is Covered, Economy Begins to Revive

    For over 10 years, a non-profit in Kalamazoo, Michigan has been covering 65 to 100 percent of college costs for local public school students. Kalamazoo Promise, which has inspired similar programs throughout the country, aims to retain and increase the city's population (after dropping numbers in recent decades) and improve college attendance and completion rates. So far, high school dropout rates have declined and more Kalamazoo students are enrolling in college. Furthermore, the improvements have been the same for low-income and minority students as for middle-income and white students.

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  • Is your kid absent more than classmates? School ‘nudge' letters tell parents just how much

    Adapting tactics that have helped persuade homeowners to use less electricity by comparing them to their neighbors, schools in Tacoma and other school districts across the nation are trying to boost student attendance with “nudge” letters. These nudges compare students’ attendance rates with school and district averages. Research has shown that the nudges reduces chronic absenteeism.

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  • America's Great Working-Class Colleges

    CUNY has launched 6x as many students into the middle class as all the Ivy League schools combined. Dozens of colleges are vaulting thousands of low-income students into the middle class and beyond, allowing children from poorer families to enjoy brighter futures. But cuts to public funding for education may stand in their way.

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  • Iceland knows how to stop teen substance abuse but the rest of the world isn't listening

    In Iceland,the relationship between people and the state has allowed an effective national programme to reduce teen consumption of alcohol and drugs. The program identifies youth that are likely to abuse drugs and offers them physically challenging after-school activities that can reduce anxiety or provide a rush, such as dance classes and martial arts, along with curfews and parent education.

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  • Did free college save this city?

    In 2005, anonymous donors announced they would cover college tuition for most students in all future Kalamazoo, Michigan classes: "Other cities declare themselves open for business or tourism. Kalamazoo wants you to know that it’s funding knowledge." While the culture around college has changed dramatically since the program's inception and more students are attending college, the program hasn't come without challenges: many get to college but don't necessarily have the preparation to make it to graduation. As other cities start similar programs, Kalamazoo's long-standing initiative offers important lessons.

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