Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Is California saving higher education?

    Defying the national trend, California is increasing its higher education budget through innovative solutions. Opening food banks on campus and an online community college, are just some of those ways the state is using to stretch its budget.

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  • At This Boston School, Friendships Lift More Students to Graduation Day

    Boston Public Schools is embracing an approach called Building Assets, Reducing Risks that has proven successful in other U.S. school districts. In BARR, teams of teachers compare notes on students to ensure they are on the right track: "BARR doesn't rely on one superstar teacher to notice a kid in trouble. From the science teacher to the school counselor, they all take a seat at the table."

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  • Z chlapca z osady je mentor, šikanované rómske dievča študuje na vysokej

    Rómsky vzdelávací fond na Slovensku pomáha deťom z rómskej komunity, ktorá v sebe nesie historickú stopu sociálnych a ekonomických znevýhodnení, ako aj etnickej diskriminácie, prekonať problémy pri ukončení strednej školy a pokračovaní vo vysokoškolskom vzdelávaní. Fond funguje tak, že študentom, ktorí spĺňajú podmienky, poskytuje štipendium na úhradu vzdelávacích pomôcok, ako aj školské poradenstvo a osobné mentorstvo, ktoré pomáha študentom aj rodičom prekonať sociálne prekážky, ktoré bránia študentom v túžbe alebo schopnosti naplniť svoj potenciál.

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  • Nearly 19,000 youth in King County are neither working nor in school. How one Seattle nonprofit is changing that.

    A nonprofit in Seattle is identifying youth between the ages of 16 to 24 who are out of school and work and reconnecting them with the public education system. Two-thirds of students enrolled in the program have gone on to pursue college.

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  • To Raise Graduation Rates For Students Of Color, Salem-Keizer Schools Focus On Relationships

    Oregon schools are leveraging the power of relationships to improve attendance and graduation rates for Pacific Islander and Black students. Community resource specialists step in to get students to school, doctor's appointments, family funerals, and more: “I’m honestly not doing anything special. I hate to say that, there’s no science around what I’m doing. It’s just trust and building a relationship and giving them the time."

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  • With Kids' Futures at Risk, Schools Seek New Ways to Lower Chronic Absenteeism

    Spurred by state changes, an elementary in Tulsa, Oklahoma has transformed its approach to chronic absenteeism, adding frequent positive reinforcements for good attendance and building strong relationships with students to get to the root of attendance issues. “This is a solvable problem as long as people keep in mind," the executive director of Attendance Works said. "The solutions take time to unpack and address what’s keeping kids from coming to school.”

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  • How Kalamazoo Is Fine-Tuning Its Groundbreaking Free College Program

    In Kalamazoo, Michigan, a donor paid for all students to attend college in state free of charge. The program is now expanding beyond monetary aid to offer guidance and additional resources to students who drop out of college or never start college.

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  • Minneapolis schools lead the way on youth mental wellness

    Now 15 years old, Minneapolis' school-based mental health care program, which includes full-time therapists in school, has won national recognition. Could Oregon pull off a similar model?

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  • Knocking on doors, BPS superintendent stresses school attendance

    This fall, a group of volunteers, led by Boston Public Schools' superintendent, went door to door to talk with students who had previously shown patterns of absenteeism. The effort, one part of the city's effort to reduce chronic absences, is intended to show students that adults in the community are invested in their success.

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  • College dreams often melt away in summer months. ‘Near-peer' counseling is helping keep them alive.

    A "near-peer" mentoring program offers a promising model for similar initiatives working to prevent "summer melt" for low-income students in the summer between their graduation from high school and arrival at college. College-age mentors provide in-person coaching and respond to texts about financial aid and other concerns.

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