Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Saving Cape Cod's dolphins

    To prevent the mass stranding of dolphins on Cape Cod, staff and volunteers from the International Fund for Animal Welfare are utilizing technology to work efficiently and quickly to save these creatures. An app called Send Word Now helps coordinate their 220 rescue volunteers along the coast, which has led to an increased in dolphin survival rate over the years. In Wellfleet, researchers are using sound recording devices to listen to dolphin sounds, which can help predict if they’re about to strand and offers more time for first responders to help.

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  • This Addiction Treatment Works. Why Is It So Underused?

    A substance abuse program known as contingency management offers incentives to those who to stay in treatment and remain abstinent from the use of drugs. Although not all agree with the merits of the program and question the underlying morals of the concept, anecdotal accounts from participants and studies have shown that it can be "highly effective" in helping to treat substance abuse.

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  • Com envolvimento da comunidade, casos de malária caem quase 20 vezes no norte do Amazonas

    A reportagem mostra que moradores de comunidades do Baixo Rio Negro, no Amazonas, conseguiram diminuir a taxa de tempo entre os primeiros sintomas da malária e o início do tratamento de 68,9% em 2005 para 14,3% em 2010 por terem sido treinados para diagnosticar precocemente a doença com o uso de microscópios. A participação dos moradores também foi responsável para a redução de 94% do número de casos.

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  • Ismaili, Ahmadi Muslims push national voter registration efforts

    Muslim civic advocacy groups Emgage and Ismailis Rise Up have partnered to engage a more diverse Muslim population in the 2020 election. They added thousands of contacts among new Muslim voters in six states, trained volunteers in electoral organizing and countering voter suppression, use personal connections to encourage people to vote, and will staff the Election Protection Hotline, where voters can get help in their native language. They also published videos about voter registration and mail-in voting in languages commonly spoken by Ismaili families and held virtual events aimed at mobilizing seniors.

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  • Calling home: Sheltering in hotels to escape coronavirus, Acadiana's homeless got back on their feet

    In southwestern Louisiana, the Acadiana Regional Coalition on Homelessness and Housing wrangled 19 hotels into a makeshift network during the pandemic to house people experiencing homelessness. With help from Beacon Community Connections' counselors, the 456 people who entered the program found the stability and services they needed to connect with government benefits and, in some cases, find jobs. The program's Housing First approach, to admit the chronically unhoused without preconditions like sobriety, creates disciplinary challenges but put many on a path to a better life.

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  • Promoting health — and trust

    Promotoras de salud is a term that describe lay Latina community members who have been trained to provide health education to community members, and it's a concept that has helped eliminate barriers and improve health outcomes in Montana. Now, as the coronavirus pandemic spreads throughout the state, these part-time community health workers are helping their communities navigate the barriers to navigating the complex health care system.

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  • Bus Stop Shakespeare

    A program at the Gdansk Shakespeare Theater in Poland is creating job opportunities for people with Down syndrome after partnering with the city and a local foundation that supports job training and coaching for special-needs individuals. The project has not just benefited the participants – patrons of the company as well as other businesses are realizing "that people with Down syndrome who have the appropriate skills can prove themselves at work."

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  • Booking homeless Portlanders into jail is endless, expensive cycle that arrests don't curb, but housing does

    Temporary housing providing drug treatment and other services to people experiencing homelessness appears to cut the chances that people arrested in Portland on minor charges will cycle repeatedly through the criminal justice system. In 2019, 250 people living in transitional housing were booked into jail, versus nearly 3,700 people still living on the streets. The rearrest rate for people living on the street is 87%, but 30 points lower for people with housing. Portland officials have been slow to provide alternatives to arrests and jail since a report in 2017 that most arrestees in Portland are homeless.

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  • How San Francisco became a COVID-19 success story as other cities stumbled

    San Francisco's "hammer and dance" approach to handling the coronavirus pandemic has helped the densely populated urban city begin to reopen ahead of much of the rest of California. Although the pandemic has undoubtedly taken a toll on the city's local economy, the strict and aggressive actions by the local government have resulted in the risk of infection now being considered as minimal.

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  • Terapie z obýváku: Řešení v době, kdy úzkostí přibývá

    Psychologové a terapeuti museli v průběhu koronavirové pandemie omezit či zcela přerušit své služby. Část z nich se proto přesunula do online prostoru nebo zavedla krizové linky, aby svým klientům v případě potřeby nabídla alternativu. Terapie na dálku umožnila flexibilnější a bezpečné setkávání se s terapeutem i v době nepříznivé epidemiologické situace. U řady lidí pomohla překonat pocit stigmatu, kterému čelí, když jdou na terapii osobně. Přes řadu nesporných pozitiv zůstává celá aspektů nové služby nedořešena. V době covidu službu hradily zdravotní pojišťovny, ale šlo jen o dočasné řešení.

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