Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • LEGO ramps could improve access for Philadelphians in wheelchairs

    An ingenious use of LEGOs has resulted in colorful wheelchair ramps around the German town of Hanau. The ramps are constructed using thousands of tiny LEGOs that are glued together and are able to withstand the weight of electric wheelchairs, strollers, and walkers. Although the ramps don’t comply with official building and safety codes, they’ve proven to be helpful and have remained in use in Hanau.

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  • Charlotte is taking a new approach to drug cases. It could change lives.

    The Mecklenburg County district attorney stopped prosecuting non-violent, low-level drug cases to free up resources to handle a backlog of more serious cases that built up during the pandemic. The policy had the effect of freeing people from the permanent stain of a criminal conviction and offering them drug treatment as an alternative to punishment.

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  • Playgrounds Designed With Accessibility In Mind Make Play Fun for Every Kid

    Playground designers and city officials in St. Petersburg, Florida, have gone beyond the basic requirements mandated by the Americans with Disabilities Act in order to create a space that is truly inclusive. The park is “wheelchair accessible from bottom to top” and sets the standard for city parks that are focusing on more inclusivity.

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  • Zoom Court Is Changing How Justice Is Served

    When the pandemic shut courthouses, millions of court hearings and even trials moved online to keep the system operating. That shift is becoming permanent, at least for minor, routine proceedings. There are many reasons to be wary of entrusting the entire justice system to "virtual justice." But there are also significant upsides already being realized. In New Jersey and Michigan, far more defendants and jurors complied with summonses. And nationwide, lawyers, jurors, and litigants enjoyed the convenience of not commuting.

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  • Nemokamos nakvynės viešbučiuose ir „Uber“ pavėžėjimai – taip su smurtu artimoje aplinkoje kovoja prancūzai

    Prancūzija operatyviai ėmėsi karantino metu išaugusio smurto namuose atvejų problemos. Įsitraukė bendruomenės, socialiai atsakingas verslas, diegtos inovacijos prevencijos, pagalbos ir smurtaujančiųjų baudimo sistemose. Ko galėtų pasimokyti Lietuva?

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  • Danijoje nuo sunaikinimo vakcinas gelbsti specialūs sąrašai – įsipareigoja per pusvalandį atvykti skiepo

    Jokio SARS-COVID19 vakcinų dozių švaistymo Danijoje - jeigu paruošta daugiau vakcinų dozių, nei atvyko iš anksto užsiregistravusių žmonių, kviečiami tą pačią dieną iš ryto užsiregistravę kandidatai. Registruodamiesi jie įsipareigojo vakcinacijai atvykti per pusvalandį. Lietuvoje vakcinų dozių dėl to, kad žmonės neatvyksta išpilama vis dar nemažai - ar Lietuva galėtų pasimokyti iš Danijos?

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  • This Real Estate Co-Op is Looking for Investors Who Want to Put Community First

    The 2012 federal JOBS Act (Jumpstart Our Business Startups) took some time to gain traction, but in recent years it has democratized the financing of worker-owned co-ops and other community-based entities that ordinarily would be frozen out of capital markets. By making possible what is called a direct public offering, the law has made it easier to finance businesses that promise greater social benefits than just profit maximization, by opening investment opportunities to a more diverse and egalitarian mix of investors.

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  • Rivers of Milk, Islands of Prosperity

    A dairy cooperative in Ukraine has brought jobs to farmers in the region and allowed them to work together to sell their milk on the market. An international nonprofit helped the Andriyivka Prosperity cooperative get off the ground. While villagers were skeptical of joining at first, and there are still challenges with operating the cooperative, there are 129 members that sell their milk. “The cooperative has halted the extinction of the village, allowing young people to stay in their homelands and have jobs and a livelihood,” says one of the villagers.

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  • Enterprising Solutions: Local Paper Builds, Benefits from Facebook Boom

    The strategic use of social media has helped The Oconee Enterprise increase subscribers, and therefore revenue. When a new issue of the paper is ready, a low-resolution preview of the front page is posted, with essentially only headlines visible, to incentivize people to purchase a paper or subscribe online. Editors also post breaking news directly on Facebook rather than the paper’s website. Its total page likes went up from 3,500 to its current audience of over 7,300, and the number of subscribers is up as well.

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  • The exchange project uniting young Americans during the pandemic

    The American Exchange Project connects high school students from different socio-economic, racial, and regional backgrounds across the U.S, with hopes to become the country’s first domestic exchange program after the pandemic. So far, 175 students at 39 schools in 14 states have connected in weekly online “hangouts” where discussion topics range from favorite music and other commonalities in the lives of teenagers to more serious issues such as racism. Getting to know people from different backgrounds has helped dispel stereotypes and some participants have forged real friendships with one another.

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