Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Orange Cans That Help Philly Take Out the Trash

    As a solution for the garbage littering his block, a Philadelphia resident has launched a much-needed movement to keep the streets clean. Sanitation services have been affected since the pandemic, leading to staff shortages in the face of rising residential trash collection needs. I Love Thy Hood collected signatures and raised money to buy and place bright orange trash cans throughout his neighborhood, keeping excess garbage from littering the streets.

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  • Marsy's Law was supposed to help victims. In Jacksonville, it shields police officers.

    A Florida constitutional amendment enacted in 2018 called Marsy's Law protects crime victims' rights, including the right to privacy when public-records laws would otherwise reveal victims' identity. But the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office has interpreted a court decision to justify erasing from public records the names of police officers who shot or killed people, on the grounds that the police should legally be considered crime victims. Marsy's Law has been enacted in 14 states. Critics say it was not meant to undermine police accountability, but they have been unable to enact corrective legislation.

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  • Giving Mother Nature a Hand

    Cervene Pecky and Dolany, two small towns in Prague, were able to fix their flooding problems through a process known as land consolidation. Prior to the land consolidation, the towns would get flooded by rainwater. Through land consolidation, property owners are able to redraw property lines. Thanks to the consolidation, the field that emptied into Dolany is now covered in grass, trees, and ditches.

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  • How Kansas ranchers and the land benefit from going back to the way of the bison

    In Kansas, a group of younger ranchers are shifting away from decades long, traditional, ranching practices and instead using methods synched with nature. Changes include things like burning the pasture to clear dead grass in the spring, instead of burning in the summer. Research shows summer burns save millions in operating costs and it's actually a long-held practice by indigenous people before settlers arrived. The ranchers are also changing how they graze and spray, methods that use less pesticides and increase wildlife.

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  • Suomija migrantų srautą sustabdė dvišaliu susitarimu su Rusija: ar galėtume tokiu pavyzdžiu sekti ir mes?

    Neteisėtai sieną kertančių migrantų srautą, atkeliavusį iš Rusijos pusės, 2015 m. patyrusi Suomija rado būdą suvaldyti situaciją - srautas išseko, o migrantų apgyvendinimo bei integracijos politika pradėta įgyvendinti bendradarbiaujant su nevyriausybinėmis organizacijomis ir vietos bendruomenėmis. Taip pat aukščiausiu lygiu komunikuota su Rusija. Neteisėtos migracijos srautas Suomijoje buvo panašus kaip 2021 m. Lietuvoje - kokią patirtį galėtume perimti?

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  • Tenant Power

    Tenants are banding together for housing rights in different cities. From collective bargaining to advancing tenant issues, the struggle for safe and affordable housing has been carried out through the efforts of grassroots tenant organizers. One such group is the New Orleans Renters Rights Assembly, which educates tenants about their rights. Others have led strikes resulting in renovations and tenant-friendly policy changes.

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  • 9 Potential Solutions to Keep Chicagoans Safer From Fires

    Many cities have experienced tragic deaths in rental apartments, but Chicago's poor record in this realm is compounded by officials' refusal to concede systemic problems. So, to follow up on an earlier report about those problems, reporters compiled a list of nine effective policies and which other cities use them. In each of the areas, Chicago has failed to adopt policies that in other places have made fire safety a priority, starting with routine inspections, effective enforcement of regulations, and licensing and tracking of landlords to more easily spot scofflaws.

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  • Mental illness driving homeless 'disaster'

    Community mental health centers have been strained in Kansas ever since the state changed its approach to mental health treatment by reducing hospital beds in the 1990s. The intended shift to a community mental health approach didn’t go as planned, and as a result, available inpatient behavioral health beds have drastically decreased, leaving more people in hospitals and often on the streets.

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  • How L.A. cleared most Venice Beach homeless camps and sheltered many unhoused people

    About 200 people camping out on Venice beach were given a place to stay through a ‘housing-first’ approach. Community groups and entrepreneurs along the boardwalk pushed the city government to clear up the beach to attract more business. Temporary housing in hotels has been provided until October.

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  • Deep Roots Drive Newhallville Stakeholders To Advance Neighborhood Equality

    The Learning Corridor is a community space educating local residents about health and wellness. It provides access to gardening, exercising, and reading in a neighborhood that has been ranked as “very low” for childhood opportunity. A number of community groups have also invested in the Newhallville neighborhood to improve the quality of life.

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