Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Closing the Gaps

    Black members of the LGBTQ community have benefitted from the wraparound services provided by Metro Inclusive Health. The nonprofit provides a model to nonprofits in Charlotte that are looking for a roadmap to provide economic mobility to this demographic. Services offered by Metro include both health and wellness outreach.

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  • ‘I Don't Want to Hit My Children. I Don't Want to Hit Anybody.'

    The Respect Phoneline started in the UK in 2004 to give anonymous callers, usually men, a way to seek help for their violent impulses. Rather than putting the burden for resolving domestic violence on survivors and on the punitive tools of the criminal justice system, the hotline approach recognizes that people prone to abusing others are frustrated and unhappy and want to change but need help to figure out how. While the aftermath of anonymous phone counseling can't be tracked, the author observed the process helping many men change their thinking. Similar hotlines have started in multiple places.

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  • With investors knocking, Charlotte HOAs are starting to change their rules

    One reason the market for middle-income housing has grown tight in Charlotte is a shortage of available homes for sale because corporate investors have bought so many developments for their rental income. To preserve affordable housing and encourage healthier communities, some homeowners associations are using restrictive deed covenants to try to limit corporate owners' encroachments. In one neighborhood, it seems to have worked, but there are legal complications that must be considered as other HOAs seek to copy the tactic.

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  • Frappée par une violente criminalité, une ville suédoise expérimente des solutions venant des États-Unis.

    La ville de Malmö, en Suède est frappée par une violente criminalité (65 fusillades en 2017). Elle expérimente Stop Shooting, une approche d’intervention contre la violence de groupe (GVI) qui a vu le jour à Boston dans les années 1990 et a connu le succès dans des villes comme Oakland, Chicago et Détroit. S'il est encore tôt pour attribuer à cette méthode la baisse du nombre de fusillades constatée en 2020, plusieurs acteurs témoignent d'un apaisement des tensions sur le terrain. Une cinquantaine de membres de gangs sont par ailleurs suivis pour en sortir.

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  • Partner Notification services vital in HIV Control

    The Assisted Partner Notification Service is a World Health Organization-backed strategy that aims to reach out to sexual partners of people diagnosed with HIV to encourage them to get tested in an effort to contain the HIV pandemic. From May 2018 to September 2019, the notification service tested a total of 29,249 women, detecting 1,120 positive cases which then led the service to reach out to a number of male partners to continue to facilitate testing.

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  • Newborn Units save babies' lives in Kenya

    The Newborn Unit exists to care for premature babies in an effort to reduce infant deaths. The NBU began in April 2010 and has the capacity to accommodate 30 babies, making infant care more accessible. The Unit also offers neonatal resuscitation training to equip healthcare workers with the knowledge and skills on how to save the lives of newborns.

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  • Learning when to be hands-off

    Although several Colorado law enforcement agencies have trained officers on how to de-escalate interactions with people in a crisis, including people with disabilities, the state in 2022 will become the latest to mandate such training for all law enforcement officers. The training is backed by a study that suggests it helps police better recognize and understand the reactions that people with disabilities might have under stress in a confrontation with police. Trained officers in Boulder last year successfully ended one potentially violent incident without serious inury.

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  • Community-owned mobile parks keep eviction at bay. Can they work in North Carolina?

    Some states and cities protect residents of mobile-home communities from eviction with opportunity-to-purchase laws, which require the corporations that rent the land beneath a mobile home to give residents a chance to buy a community when it's for sale. But most places in the U.S. lack such laws, and often zoning rules favor corporate owners. So organizations like ROC USA provide the financial leverage to help residents band together to own their communities, which are also called manufactured housing. ROC has helped 280 communities in 18 states make such purchases.

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  • Planting a Life—and a Future—After Prison at Benevolence Farm

    Benevolence Farm hosts a small number of formerly incarcerated women as live-in laborers growing herbs that end up in body-care products. The farming experience teaches marketable skills, as the women learn the finer points of horticulture. It also provides outdoor, hands-on experiences that are therapeutic to women after they spent months or years locked up in a sterile prison. The rural location poses some challenges, but the dozens of women who have spent 12-18 months living and working there have shown much lower-than-average rates of recidivism.

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  • Das zurückgewonnene Paradies

    Um die Klimaerwärmung zu stoppen, ist es notwendig den Prozess der globalen Entwaldung nicht nur zu bremsen, sondern zum Teil auch umzukehren. Vergangene Projekte haben gezeigt, dass dies auch in sehr öden Landstrichen möglich ist. Ein niederländischer Geo-Ingenieur hat nun einen Plan entwickelt, um aus der Sinai-Halbinsel in fünf Schritten eine grüne Oase zu machen. Er meint, die wieder ergrünte Gegend könnte dann Milliarden Tonnen CO2 binden.

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