Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Allied Forces

    The Philos Action League dispatches Christian volunteers to offer support and solidarity to Jewish communities when antisemitic attacks occur. The organization has more than 2,000 volunteers who have responded to 128 incidents since 2021.

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  • Estijos laimėjimas – internetinis balsavimas: kas anksčiau atrodė kaip mokslinė fantastika, dabar – neatskiriama rinkimų dalis

    Estija - vienintelė valstybė pasaulyje, sudaranti galimybę savo piliečiams tiek nacionaliniuose, tiek regioniniuose rinkimuose balsuoti internetu. Nors rinkėjų aktyvumo ši galimybė ženkliai neišaugino, ja gana aktyviai naudojasi anksčiau nebalsavę ir kitose pasaulio šalyse gyvenantys estai. Žurnalistė domisi, ar internetinis balsavimas būtų pritaikomas Lietuvoje.

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  • A tested solution for helping teens who are homeless, or living on the brink

    Teen centers are spaces in high schools that provide youth with a place to call home if they’re experiencing housing insecurity. They also provide access to resources like food, clothes and counseling services. Several area high schools have opened their own teen centers, equipped with showers, washing machines, dryers, study rooms and trusted adults they can confide in who help them when they’re in crisis or seeking guidance.

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  • Despite Mixed Reviews, Tiny Home Villages for Homeless People Are Growing

    Villages of tiny homes are popping up in cities across the United States as temporary housing for people experiencing homelessness.

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  • Are Bike Buses The Future Of School Transportation?

    Parents and teachers are organizing bike buses as a healthier, social alternative to school buses and parent drop-offs. In this activity, chaperones lead groups of students to school on bikes.

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  • How a women and immigrant-led marketplace is surviving Covid

    The La Cocina Municipal Marketplace supports immigrant women entrepreneurs who graduated from the La Cocina Business Incubator by providing them with a space to sell their goods and services. Since forming in 2005, the business incubator has helped 140 entrepreneurs open for business. And the Marketplace — which opened in 2021 — allowed these business owners to continue to make profits by selling takeout-only food amid gathering restrictions caused by the pandemic.

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  • Austrijos pėdomis – ar balsavimas nuo 16 metų paskatintų rinkėjų aktyvumą ir Lietuvoje?

    Austrija ženkliai padidino gyventojų aktyvumą rinkimuose, suteikdama galimybę juose balsuoti piliečiams nuo 16 metų. Po parlamente įvykusių diskusijų bei konsultacijų su visomis suinteresuotomis pusėmis, įstatymų leidėjas priėmė amžiaus cenzą mažinantį įstatymą. Šis sprendimas taip pat padidino jaunimo susidomėjimą politika. Straipsnyje svarstoma, ar tokia reforma galėtų būti įgyvendinta Lietuvoje.

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  • An Ancient Grain Made New Again: How Sorghum Could Help U.S. Farms Adapt to Climate Change

    Some farmers in drought-prone areas are planting sorghum, an ancient grain that requires less water and fertilizer than crops like corn, as a way to offset climate change-related losses.

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  • The dance parties helping cancer-sick kids heal quickly

    The Children Living With Cancer Foundation organizes dance parties for children with cancer, to provide them with a sense of joy, encouragement, and community during times of need. The nonprofit also organizes community events and donations and works with local pharmacies to get patients the medicines they need at subsidized rates. So far, the Foundation has supported 300 childhood cancer patients and their families.

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  • Eating Lionfish

    Restaurants in the Cayman Islands are hosting lion-fish catching tournaments and then cooking and serving the invasive species to reduce their population.

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