Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • What It Takes To Shelter Washington State's Housing Insecure Youth

    School districts in Washington State are required to identify students experiencing homelessness and enroll them into a state program in which the district pays for the students' transportation and covers the cost of other necessities with allotted federal funds.

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  • Who's going to check them? Racial equity audits can help corporate America keep its promises to address systemic racism

    Racial equity audits are conducted to identify where racial inequities exist within an organization and then provides strategies the organization can implement to work toward promoting racial equity. Several major companies, like Airbnb, have participated in these audits since they emerged in 2011, aiming to create a workplace with less racial bias and discrimination.

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  • This Juárez Nonprofit Uses Sports To Deter Youth From Violence

    Wellness schools, Escuelas de Bienestar, run by a nonprofit in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, train physical education teachers to integrate topics like human rights, drug prevention, and emotional health into the play in their school programming. The learning combined with play aims to deter youth from participating in violence and help them build personal connections.

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  • How will we feed Earth's rising population? Ask the Dutch.

    In the Netherlands’ Seed Valley some of the largest seed companies in the world are increasing agricultural output to feed the growing world population using less land. They use plant breeding, which involves combining the DNA of different crop varieties, and seed enhancement, which involve germinating the seeds early to shorten the dormant period in which they are most vulnerable. Seed enhancement can also include coating seeds with solutions that combat dangers like disease and wind gusts.

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  • Boarding School Alumni Push for a New Kind of Abuse Investigation

    In an effort to uncover decades of abuse allegations at the Christian Academy of Japan, investigators began working with academy alumni who helped push the investigation forward. Over the course of several years, alumni met regularly, clocking thousands of hours of work on the case, meeting with investigators and survivors. When the final report was released in 2021, 72 cases of alleged abuse — including sexual, physical, emotional and child-on-child abuse — were uncovered over a 44 year period.

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  • Birth centers have never been more popular, but struggle to remain viable. How some midwives are changing the system.

    Organizations like Elephant Circle and community-led efforts are working to ensure birth centers have the money and resources to keep their doors open. These organizations help birth centers transition into fully nonprofit organizations that can accept donations from investors and fundraising to continue providing services to those in need of care.

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  • Mutually Assured Survival: New Orleans groups are rethinking disaster aid from the grassroots up

    Groups like the Mutual Aid – New Orleans Facebook group take a community-focused approach to disaster response and gather volunteers to deliver supplies to those in need in the aftermath of disasters like hurricanes and flooding. Frustrated by slow and oftentimes nonexistent government aid, these communities are taking matters into their own hands to effectively provide relief to fellow residents when disaster strikes.

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  • Washington's first homeless shelter-based Girl Scout troop is back in business

    Mary’s Place family homeless shelter waives fees for young residents interested in participating in its girl scout troop. The troop is the first of its kind to be based in a homeless shelter in the state of Washington.

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  • Making teachers feel valued might be the solution to keeping them

    In Monte Vista, Colorado, an elementary and a high school are improving teacher retention by building an environment that makes them feel heard, appreciated, and supported. The administrators take time to build relationships with teachers and students, check in with teachers on a regular basis, allow teachers to have a say in decision-making, and create teacher revitalization rooms.

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  • Dėmesys vaikui prasideda nuo dėmesio būsimai mamai – kaip Suomija tapo vaikų gerovės šalimi

    Suomijoje esantys vaikų namai, į kuriuos vaikai patenka dėl probleminio tėvų ar savo pačių elgesio, užtikrina saugią ir sveiką aplinką, o šeimai teikiamos kompleksinės paslaugos ženkliai padidina galimybę vaikui ilgainiui ir vėl grįžti gyventi su tėvais. Tai šalyje pavyko pasiekus, jog socialinio darbuotojo profesija būtų gerai atlyginama ir prestižinė, reikalaujanti specialaus išsilavinimo ir sertifikavimo, o didelės vaikų institucijos buvo paverstos jaukiais namais, kur vienu metu gyvena ne daugiau kaip 7 vaikai.

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