Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Non-Profit Organizations Help to End Avoidable Blindness in Kano

    With the help of several nonprofit organizations, the ECWA Eye Hospital provides free cataract surgery to help those in need who can’t afford the expensive surgery. The Hospital began providing free surgeries in 2016 and has since restored the sight of 5,800 people.

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  • Blowing the air of justice on alleged witches

    The Advocacy for Alleged Witches is working to make all of Nigerian society witch-hunting-free. Advocates in the organization report incidents of witchcraft branding and arrange to help the accused individual by moving them away from the danger, providing medical services, and working with lawyers, police, and government agencies to take legal action against the issue.

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  • As states hunt for new voters, Massachusetts adds thousands via Medicaid applications

    After Massachusetts added automatic voter registration to its Medicaid application process, the number of people in the state who registered through social service agencies jumped from roughly 30,000 to more than 160,000. Residents are given the option to opt out of voter registration when applying for health benefits rather than opting in.

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  • Can a City Feed Itself?

    In Paris, building-based agriculture, like rooftop gardens, allows for the production of nutritious food close to where they will be eaten. The practice helps eliminate carbon emissions, improve food security, and improve climate resilience.

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  • Breadfruit: A starchy, delicious climate and biodiversity solution

    Nonprofits are spreading knowledge of breadfruit trees to communities facing food insecurity around the world because it is a reliable, resilient crop that produces abundant yields. Local farmers are taking an agroecology approach to planting the trees — which produce a nutritious, potato-like fruit — with other mixed crops so the plants can benefit from each other.

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  • Hate crimes are increasing in California. The state is hoping a hotline can help

    LA vs. Hate is a hotline service and support network that allows victims of hate crimes and hate incidents to report their experiences and access counseling and other support. Since 2019, 2,171 people have submitted a report to the program, and California has now launched a statewide initiative following LA vs. Hate’s model.

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  • Nigerians experiment with wildfire prevention methods

    The Small Mammal Conservation Organization is preventing wildfires by educating farmers in Cross River, Nigeria, about the dangers of burning the remaining crop waste in their fields after the harvest. The organization runs weather stations that inform communities about daily fire risks and employs “forest guardians” in every community to patrol farmlands and mitigate wildfire risk.

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  • In India, peace building goes ultimate

    The nonprofit Action Northeast Trust organizes youth ultimate Frisbee matches to strengthen social cohesion, promote gender equality, and foster peace among young people from different villages, ethnicities, and mother tongues in Assam, India.

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  • How Minnesota Became the Surprising Success Story of Gun Reform

    By shifting their message around gun violence to frame it as a public safety issue and narrowing the focus of proposed legislation to appeal to a wide coalition, Minnesota lawmakers were able to pass a sweeping gun reform package that included a red flag law, universal backgrounds checks, and significant investments in community violence intervention programs.

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  • These climate advocates don't care about your carbon footprint. They care about whether you vote.

    In an effort to fix the climate movement’s voter turnout problem, the Environmental Voter Project’s 6,000 volunteers use behavioral and data science in their outreach campaigns to encourage environmentalists to become consistent voters so the issues they care about are prioritized by politicians.

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