Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • This Pennsylvania County Wiped Out Millions in Jail Debt

    In 2022, the Dauphin County Commissioners voted to eliminate “pay-to-stay” fees that meant people incarcerated in the county jail were often saddled with debt upon their release, regardless of the outcome of their trial. In September 2024, the commissioners also voted to forgive past debt accrued under the pay-to-stay policy, providing $66 million in relief for formerly incarcerated individuals, giving them a better chance at getting back on their feet post incarceration.

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  • Hotline connects formerly incarcerated people with reentry resources

    In North Carolina, the Recidivism Reduction Call Center connects people who were formerly incarcerated with resources that will help them reenter their communities, like housing options and second chance employers.

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  • Work expands to prevent opioid overdoses for people leaving prison

    Research has found that providing medications for opioid use disorder can help prevent overdoses after release from prison. The state’s Department of Adult Correction recently launched a pilot program to test this theory. 229 of the 287 participants received treatment, several of whom said the access to the medications helped save their lives.

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  • They pair former inmates with homeowners, with unusual success. And they're expanding to Long Beach

    The Homecoming Project combats recidivism by paring people who were formerly incarcerated for more than ten years with local residents who offer them a place to stay and help them navigate life skills. Six years after the start of the program, no participants have returned to prison.

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  • For Some Wyoming Inmates, Prison Is Their Best Shot At Education

    The University of Wyoming’s Pathways from Prison program uses federal Pell Grant money and private donations to fund college education for inmates. The program offers four-year degrees and aims to provide them with the skills, tools and knowledge to reenter society in a positive way. Studies show educational programs decrease recidivism rates by 14.8%, and those participating in the program say their self-worth and sense of hope have significantly increased.

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  • 'My Civic Duty'

    Volnya is a volunteer mentorship program that provides support and services to newly released Belarusian political prisoners who have immigrated to other countries. Volunteers can help participants with tasks like securing a job, applying for immigration status, and getting connected to aid, and the program has worked with 69 people so far.

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  • Damascus Road: Drug court changing lives, saving taxpayers 'boatload of money'

    Intervention Court provides programming and support to those struggling with addiction, connecting them to jobs, schooling and skills training to help them stay sober, re-enter society and stay out of jail. Nearly 11,000 people have graduated from one of the 42 drug courts throughout the state, and the courts average a recidivism rate of just 2.9% compared to the Mississippi Department of Corrections’ 35.4%.

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  • Inside Vermont's Radical Approach to Helping the Formerly Incarcerated Succeed

    Vermont built volunteer-led Circle of Support and Accountability groups into its reentry system to help keep those who’ve committed sexual crimes from reoffending. The volunteers meet with people who were formerly incarcerated weekly to offer advice, encouragement, and support while they transition into life outside of prison.

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  • Illinois Ended Cash Bail. Now Reformers Want More Support for People on Pretrial Release.

    The Community Release With Support program provides wraparound services to people on pretrial release by connecting them with housing support, employment services, and education programs, as well as helping participants make their court dates. These services have become even more vital since Illinois passed the Pretrial Fairness Act to eliminate cash bail requirements. Roughly 3,000 people have participated in the support program, which has connected 1,000 people with employment services, more than 740 with education programs, and more than 250 with housing support.

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  • California to expand re-entry programs for formerly incarcerated individuals. Here's how they work

    California is shifting to expand programs that help give incarcerated people the skills and knowledge they need to effectively transition back into society. Various re-entry programs for men and women across the state that connect people with education and job resources helped dropped recidivism rates from 44.6% to 41.9%, based on the state’s most recent data, and also cost taxpayers less than the average cost of incarceration.

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