Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Is the blind removal model in child welfare scalable? It's complicated

    Blind removal programs involve the redaction of race and class identifiers from a child welfare casefiles. Although once believed to be a scalable solution, in L.A. and beyond, a look a new data shows they aren't viable long term.

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  • Louisville group supports Black children with enrichment, free therapy and resource sharing

    Play Cousins Collective helps Black youth build self-confidence and celebrate their identity and culture through hands-on activities, community building and access to free educational programs and therapy. Over 1,700 youth and families participated in the program last year.

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  • Healing a Dark Past: The Long Road to Reopening Hospitals in the Rural South

    As rural hospitals in predominantly Black neighborhoods close, groups and community members are joining forces to ensure residents can still access care by reopening a full-service hospital. Rural Emergency Hospital models remove in-patient beds but keep emergency departments active to receive federal support. About 29 rural hospitals have converted to rural emergency hospitals to ensure residents can still access care.

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  • A new therapy model, built in Louisville, helps kids heal from racial trauma

    The Kniffley Racial Trauma Therapy Model is specifically designed for people of color and focuses on affirming racial identity and providing a safe space to discuss traumatic experiences and gain a sense of empowerment. The model uses culturally relevant therapeutic tools and therapists who have been trained with it report a significant increase in how prepared they are to address racial trauma with clients.

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  • One Small Credit Union Is Powering Brooklyn's Economy

    The Brooklyn Cooperative Federal Credit Union provides small business loans to local Black and Brown businesses, through average investments of $24,000. This small, community lender provides more funding to local businesses than larger national banks like Citibank, Wells Fargo and Bank of America, helping support local businesses and finance community development.

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  • Invisible struggles of lower-income Asian Americans gain spotlight

    The Chinese American Service League’s (CASL) Change InSight coalition surveys communities in more Asian languages to allow for more inclusive data collection, particularly among low-income AAPIs. Better data collection increases the visibility of the challenges under-resourced AAPIs face, allowing the CASL to launch social service programs to address challenges in the community, like food insecurity.

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  • Fewer Illinois residents using payday lenders after state capped interest rates

    The Predatory Loan Prevention Act caps loan interest rates at 36%, including all fees. Before the Act passed, rates were extremely high, including 297% for payday loans and 178% for auto-title loans. The Illinois Legislative Black Caucus pushed for the Act to pass in an effort to close the racial wealth gap and address socioeconomic disparities, as these high-interest rates historically affected minority groups.

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  • How an Omaha art space is shaping the future of the city's scene

    The Union for Contemporary Art makes the local art scene more inclusive by uplifting marginalized artists and supporting them at all stages of their development. The Union hosts exhibitions, public studios and classes and also offers fellowships, grants and residencies for artists. In the past decade, The Union has awarded 20 artist fellowships and distributed $312,000 in grants to over 200 local artists.

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  • Courtroom watchdog program holds Los Angeles judges accountable

    Volunteers with CourtWatch LA attend court sessions throughout the county to take notes on proceedings, which help to inform the Rate My Judge platform run by de-carceration nonprofit La Defensa. Watchdog groups like CourthWatch LA provide oversight on the criminalization of income and race in court, as Black and Latino residents are disproportionately effected by unjust rulings and treatment.

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  • How an AP African American studies class helps Brooklyn students engage with history

    The Urban Assembly Institute of Math and Science for Young Women is piloting an AP African American Studies course to broaden the scope of how Black history is taught and discussed in schools. At the Institute of Math and Science, 32 students are taking the course, but nationwide it has expanded to 700 high schools.

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