Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Closing the voter engagement gap in Metro Detroit

    To close the voting participation and engagement gap between historically disenfranchised groups and more affluent, white groups, organizations in Metropolitan Detroit are employing a number of strategies. One group, Girls Making Change, is creating a political leadership pipeline by mentoring high school girls of color over the summer. CitizenDetroit organizes voter education groups, candidate debates, and even bar trivia nights with a political theme.

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  • Sen. Bennet: Collaboration that led to CORE Act could model a cure for “partisan disease” ailing politics

    Politicians and community leaders across Colorado take legislative creation out of Washington and into the areas they're trying to protect. Stakeholders around the state, many of whom disagree socially and politically, worked together to create a measure to protect 400,000 acres of public land while factoring in ways to maintain economic success.

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  • In India's Fast-Growing Cities, a Grassroots Effort to Save the Trees

    In booming cities across India, residents and nonprofits are fighting to save trees from rampant development. One protest in Delhi brought 1,500 citizens out, stalling a proposal to fell 14,000 trees in the city. And the Center for Environmental Research and Education in Mumbai plant's new trees with an unusually high survival rate of 90 percent. But to stem destruction, these groups must help city planners and politicians understand the many benefits that urban trees provide.

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  • Bridging the red and blue divide: Despite the rhetoric, it can still be done. Here's how.

    Several groups across the country are bridging the partisan divide by using civility and conversation to build bipartisanship and trust. The Frank P. Zeidler Center for Public Discussion helps members of the community and police talk. offers evidence-based techniques to improve dialogue. And, the Millennial Action Project works with hundreds of young lawmakers across 27 state legislatures.

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  • South Asian Asylum Seekers Find Healing and Hope After Sheridan Heartbreak

    Bringing assistance to asylum seekers from South Asia requires elevating their story in national discourse. In Salem, Oregon, the Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon has coordinated with other advocacy groups, community organizations, and religious centers to champion the cases of and provide resources to South Asian and Sikh asylum seekers. Other important partners include the Innovation Law Lab, which provides detainees with legal services.

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  • How Yemeni Immigrant Activists in NYC Are Changing a Whole Community's Mindset

    To assert their voice, community activists must move from behind the scenes to the front lines. Mobilizing the ethnic and immigrant community against Trump’s executive order of 2017 has led to the creation of the Yemeni American Merchant’s Association (YAMA). YAMA behaves like an umbrella organization, working to connect visa winners with humanitarian organizations, hosting legal training programs, becoming a plaintiff on behalf of Yemenis, and partnering with community leaders in cities across the United States.

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  • Diverse Immigrant Communities Unite to Preserve TPS

    By coming together on the national stage, immigrant communities campaign against cancellation of Temporary Protected Status (TPS). The work encompasses over 40 different groups operating around the US to advocate for TPS holders. The Journey for Justice Caravan, led by TPS holders in partnership with the National TPS Alliance, mobilized support across 30 states. Other groups, including African Communities Together, coordinated to file a lawsuit to block the Trump administration’s measure to cancel TPS.

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  • Seattle's radical plan to fight big money in politics

    Seattle tripled the number of people who contributed to local political campaigns by giving each resident $100 in “democracy vouchers” to contribute to the candidate of their choice. The concept was to counter the effect of big money in politics. Although the program was a widely popular idea, it ended up being expensive to run and only 3.3 percent of residents who received the vouchers actually used them.

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  • The Seattle Experiment

    Seattle’s “Democracy Vouchers,” funded by a ballot measure to increase property taxes, provide money for residents to make campaign contributions, which increases civic participation and helps people running for office without political connections fund their campaigns. Every city resident receives four 25$ vouchers that they can sign over to the candidate of their choice and mail back in a pre-stamped envelope. Even though only 3% of vouchers were actually used, the number of people contributing to campaigns tripled and several non-establishment candidates were able to run campaigns and get elected.

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  • In North Dakota, Native Americans Try to Turn an ID Law to Their Advantage

    After a Republican led state law that bans people without an address from voting took effect, Native American tribes in North Dakota began organizing to get out the vote. They even began creating their own addresses. They teamed up with Claremont Graduate University in California and overlaid “ voting precinct maps on satellite images of the reservations and assigned each precinct one address.” “The right to vote can be taken for granted until someone tries to take it away from you, and then it can be the reason you do vote.”

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