Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • A sanctuary law aimed to 'Trump-proof' California on immigration. What has it accomplished?

    A California law enacted in 2018 limits local law enforcement’s cooperation with federal immigration officials, preventing local police from arresting someone solely for having a deportation order or keeping them in custody longer than necessary to allow time for immigration officers to arrive. The state’s share of national ICE arrests has fallen, as has the number of people transferred from state prison to ICE custody, but challenges to California’s law and “sanctuary” policies like it are mounting.

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  • How Baltimore Convinced Officers to Seek Help for Alcoholism and Depression

    In an effort to promote health and wellness and reduce instances of officer misconduct, the Baltimore Police Departmenr launched a program in 2018 that connects officers with counseling, substance use treatment and other mental and physical health supports. Over the course of the program, more than 250 officers have signed themselves into a voluntary, confidential alcohol addiction program and been able to keep working.

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  • Catching up with CAST, CSULB's crisis prevention workers

    The Campus Assessment & Stabilization Team (CAST) assists the University Police Department in mental health-related emergency and non-emergency calls, both on and off campus. CAST consists of a team of social workers who assist law enforcement in handling calls, particularly those where a person is experiencing an emotional crisis.

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  • Birmingham tries blocking streets to reduce crime. Is it working?

    City officials put up concrete barriers and road closed signs across 18 entry points to the Eastlake neighborhood in Birmingham. As part of the city’s Project Safe Streets pilot program, the road closures are intended to deter speeding, shootings, and other crimes.

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  • Get arrested or go to treatment? Court program hailed as game-changer for mentally ill arrestees

    In Miami-Dade County, Florida, law enforcement officers are trained to identify people who may have mental health issues and call a mental health professional to the scene. The process allows more people to get help and avoid criminal charges by giving them the choice to continue treatment or go to jail.

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  • How Dallas tackled violent crime

    Dallas implemented a practice known as “hot spot policing” to reduce violent crime and increase community trust. In this strategy, law enforcement focuses on prevention in very specific areas with significant concentrations of crime, sometimes as small as an apartment building or business.

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  • Can We Fix Mental Health Crisis Response in the Hudson Valley?

    Mobile crisis response teams, like CAHOOTS and the Ulster County mobile teams, deploy crisis workers and medics instead of police to situations like mental health crises and welfare checks, to avoid unnecessary escalation. Counties with mobile teams say the quality of care they receive has dramatically improved. In Ulster county alone, they receive about 4,000 diverted 911 calls annually and only five to 10% of them require police backup.

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  • Copline: a hotline for law enforcement to call on their worst days

    Copline is a hotline for law enforcement, run by law enforcement that gives on-duty cops a place to talk and vent anonymously with people who understand what they’re going through. Copline receives about 400 calls a month and those who call the hotline can also get recommendations for mental health services in their area, like AA meetings and outpatient treatment options.

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  • With law enforcement sparse, Alaska villages build network of safety for survivors

    Amidst a lack of law enforcement in remote areas, the Emmonak Women’s Shelter has begun training people in small villages to become victim resource advocates to connect those who have experienced domestic violence or sexual assault with shelter and care.

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  • Genesee County's senior abuse prevention model to be taken statewide

    The elder abuse task force is a specialized unit of the Genesee County Sheriff’s Department that provides critical services to older residents and issues abuse-related warrants. Since its founding in 2018, the unit has served nearly 2,000 elderly residents and issued over 275 warrants; now, this abuse-prevention model is being scaled statewide.

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